


Characters who worked for

11 characters who work for Mephisto:

(Click links for info about character
and his/her religious practice, affiliation, etc.)
Pub. #
Abadon Abadon ("Matthew Ryan") supporting character
CBR Scale: D cosmic entity
Shadow Riders
[extradimensional elemental force of nature]
Marvel UK 4
Asmodeus villain
CBR Scale: D demon
[1st app: Ghost Rider (vol. 2) #53 (Feb. 1981)] Marvel 7
Bitterhorn Bitterhorn villain
CBR Scale: D demon
[sent by Mephisto to recruit villains to fight Beyonder] Marvel 1
Blackheart Blackheart villain
CBR Scale: D demon
The Cabal; The Hellfire Club
[Mephisto's son]
Marvel 85
Bounty Hunter (Lemuel Haskill) villain
CBR Scale: M Satanism; ghost
[condemned by Mephisto to bring him 50 souls] Marvel 3
The Challenger villain
CBR Scale: D demon
[1st app: Ghost Rider (vol. 2) #17 (Apr. 1976)] Marvel 3
Fashima Fashima villain
CBR Scale: D demon
Six-Fingered Hand
[empowered evil rock star Asmodeus Jones]
Marvel 4
The Flying Dutchman (Captain Joost van Straaten) villain
CBR Scale: M ghost; Satanism; Dutch Reformed
Legion of the Unliving Marvel 5
Gang of Nine villain group
CBR Scale: D demons
[in group that nightly tortured Ghost Rider] Marvel 2
Inferno (Slifer) villain
CBR Scale: D demon
[] Marvel 2
Legion villain group
CBR Scale: D demons
[group of demons; possessed Roxanne Simpson/Katy Milner] Marvel 3