

Mentor (ALars)

The Religious Affiliation of

Religion: Titanian religion CBR Scale: R

Name: Mentor

Alter Ego: A'Lars

Other Names: Alars; Mentor I

Classification: supporting character supporting character   scientist scientist  

Publisher(s): Marvel

First Appearance: Iron Man (vol. 1) #55 (Feb. 1973): "Beware the Blood Brothers!"

Creators: Jim Starlin, Mike Friedrich, Mike Esposito

Super? (Has Super Powers/Special Abilities/Technology): Yes

Number of Appearances: 7

Teams/Affiliations: Eternals of Titan (leader); Eternals

Occupation: ruler, scientist

Location: Asia

Birth Place: Titanos, Asia

Gender: male

Note: ruler of the Eternals of Titan

This character is in the following 10 stories which have been indexed by this website:
Captain America Annual #7 (Oct. 1983): "The Last Enchantment"
Daredevil (vol. 1) #105 (Nov. 1973): "Menace from the Moons of Saturn!" (cameo)
The Defenders
Iron Man (vol. 1) #55 (Feb. 1973): "Beware the Blood Brothers!"
Marvel Feature (vol. 1) #12 (Nov. 1973): "The Bite of the Blood Brothers!" (cameo)
Marvel Graphic Novel #1 (Apr. 1982): "The Death of Captain Marvel"
The Secret Defenders #14 (Apr. 1994): "Escape"

Suggested links for further research about this character and the character's religious affiliation: