Religion: Methodist
Name: John Sherman
Other Names: Senator John Sherman; The Ohio Icicle
Classification: real/historical person
Earliest Appearance Listed in This Database: Nextwave: Agents of H.A.T.E. #4 (June 2006)
Creators: Warren Ellis, Stuart Immonen, Wade von Grawbadger
Number of Appearances: 1
Occupation: U.S. Senator
Birth Place: Lancaster, Ohio, USA
Gender: male
The Sherman Anti-Trust Act, which was named for its author, Senator John Sherman, is mentioned purely for comedic purposes on the first page of Nextwave #4 (June 2006). This page is mostly text, featuring the "interactive NEXTWAVE: Agents of H.A.T.E. Primer Page" with a "Q and A session." The page is intended to bring new readers up to speed on what Nextwave is, who its members are, and what has happened in previous issues. For comedic purpose, the page concludes with questions that have nothing to do with the story.
The page ends with the following:
Q. Who's the 24th President of the U.S.A.?
A. Why, Benjamin Harrison, the signer of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act.
Q. I hate trusts.
A. So did Ben. Now READ THE BOOK!
Suggested links for further research about this character and the character's religious affiliation: