

Scourge (Mr. Collier)

Mr. Collier

Religion: not determined yet

Name: Scourge

Alter Ego: Mr. Collier

Other Names: Carson Collier Jr.; Scourge of the Underworld; Scourge I; Delazny; Jake the Bartender

Classification: villain villain  

Publisher(s): Marvel

First Appearance: Iron Man (vol. 1) #194 (May 1985): "Otherwhere!"

Creators: Denny O'Neil, Luke McDonnell, Ian Akin, Brian Garvey

Number of Appearances: 13

Teams/Affiliations: Scourges of the Underworld

Enemy of: Captain America, Bird-Man, Hellrazor, Hijacker, The Wrench, Mirage, Gamecock, The Ringer, Reverend Nordstrom, Steeplejack, Turner D. Century, Mind-Wave, Megatak, Hate-Monger, El Jaguar, Rapier, Shellshock, Grappler, Enforcer, Lionfang, Phone Ranger

Occupation: vigilante

Gender: male

Note: used many disguises in his criminal-killing crusade

The original Scourge claimed his last name was Collier, but it remains unclear whether this was truly his name or simply yet another alias or false identity.

This character is in the following 15 stories which have been indexed by this website:
Captain America
Captain America: The Legend #1 (Sep. 1996)
The Deadly Foes of Spider-Man #1 (May 1991): "Book I: Punishment and Crime" (dream)
Iron Man (vol. 1) #194 (May 1985): "Otherwhere!"
Marvel Age Annual #1 (Jan. 1985)
Marvel Legacy: The 1980s Handbook (Mar. 2007)
Secret Wars II #2 (Aug. 1985): "I'll Take Manhattan..." (cameo)

Suggested links for further research about this character: