
unnamed attorney

Religion: indeterminate

Name: unnamed attorney

Classification: supporting character supporting character  

Publisher(s): DC

First Appearance: Action Comics (vol. 1) #24 (May 1940): "Carnahan's Heir"

Creators: Jerry Siegel, Joe Shuster, Paul Cassidy

Number of Appearances: 1

Ally: Peter Carnahan

Occupation: attorney

Worked for: Rufus Carnahan

Gender: male

An unnamed attorney appeared in panel 6 of page 13 of the Superman story "Carnahan's Heir" in Action Comics #24 (May 1940). This attorney worked for Rufus Carnahan, the multi-millionaire industrialist who realized late in life he had failed his now-grown son Peter by overindulging him. The elder Carnahan had enlisted Superman's help in reforming his son, and Superman had indeed succeeded. Rufus Carnahan's will had an unusual provision in it, stipulating that if his son was involved in gambling, he would receive no money. In the one panel in which he appears, Rufus Carnahan's attorney explains to Peter that this provision will be taking effect. The narrative caption reads: "Several days later -- within the office of Carnahan's lawyers . . ."

The unnamed attorney is a middle-aged, slightly portly man who wears spectacles and has a receding hairline. This attorney tells Peter, "According to the will's provisions, we can't give you any of the money your father left behind, but we can follow your suggestions as to how the money be disposed of!"

A truly repentant Peter Carnahan tells the attorney, "When my life hung in the balance I had plenty of time to think things over -- and there is one thing in particular I'd like to see done with that money, more than anything else! I'd like to establish a home for wayward underprivileged youths -- See that they don't succumb to the pitfalls I faced! And I would like nothing better than to direct it!"

Six months later, as the last panel in this story shows, Peter Carnahan has indeed used his father's fortune (and no doubt the assistance of his father's attorneys) to establish the "Rufus Carnahan Home for Youth." Clark Kent tells Peter, "Congratulations, Peter! You've accomplished miracles in guiding the character of your charges!"

Peter replies, "Thank you! I'm trying hard to atone for the mess I made of my life. I only regret that I couldn't have made my father proud of me while he lived!"

This character is in the following story which has been indexed by this website:
Action Comics (vol. 1) #24 (May 1940): "Carnahan's Heir" (1-panel cameo)

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