
Officer Stone

Religion: not determined yet

Name: Officer Stone

Classification: supporting character supporting character  

Publisher(s): Marvel

First Appearance: X-Statix #12 (Sep. 2003): "If You Think I'm Sexy"

Creators: Peter Milligan, Mike Allred, Philip Bond

Number of Appearances: 1

Occupation: police

Gender: male

Note: forced to shoot gun-wielding Britney Gutman

Officer Stone was a California policeman. When Britney Gutman began a shooting spree by turning a loaded gun on a crowd of innocent people, police on the scene were forced to shoot the girl dead. Officer Stone was the lead officer at the scene. Of course he did not want to shoot a teenaged girl, but he had no choice.

It seems that Officer Stone was an honorable man and a good police office, but he did play to the cameras a little bit. Officer Stone was called to the scene of Britney Gutman's shooting spree. Not long after he arrived, the publicity-loving superhero team X-Statix arrived. Gutman told the superheroes to stay out of the way because this was a police matter. But as soon as television cameras focused on Gutman, the police officer told reporters (and television viewers) that he was working with the popular super-heroes. In fact, he claimed, he was working so closely with the heroes that he was practically an honorary member of the team.

It was after this that Britney Gutman pointed her gun at the crowd, which forced Officer Stone to give the order to the other officers on the scene to shoot her with lethal force.

When the police officers shot Britney Gutman, the superheroine Dead Girl was trying to talk her down. It is possible that Dead Girl might have succeeded, and that Gutman's order to fire was not actually necessary. Gutman may have acted according to the book and according to his training, but he was apparently not flexible enough to consider that Dead Girl might be able to alleviate the dangerous situation.

This character is in the following story which has been indexed by this website:
X-Statix #12 (Sep. 2003): "If You Think I'm Sexy"

Suggested links for further research about this character: