Religion: indeterminate
Name: Melter's father
Classification: supporting character
First Appearance: Dark Reign: Young Avengers #4 (Nov. 2009): "Young Masters: Part Four"
Creators: Paul Cornell, Mark Brooks, Walden Wong
Number of Appearances: 1
Ally: Melter (Christopher)
Gender: male
Note: tragically killed by son's power when it first manifest
Melter (whose real name is Christopher), was one of the "Young Masters of Evil," or would-be new "Young Avengers." In Dark Reign: Young Avengers #4 (Nov. 2009), Chris recalls the moment when his deadly super power first manifest itself. He was telling his parents about his day at school.
Chris's father, a brown-haired man with a moustache, said, "It's the best part of our day, Chris, getting to play with you."
Chris's mother, a pretty woman with long blonde hair, said, "So what did you get up to today?"
Young Chris, who apears to be about 6 or 7 years old in this flashback, said, "I rule science. Mr. Hepton set up this big experiment-- And I was all 'If you put that there--'"
Then there was a brief gurgling sound from one of Chris's parents ("kk!") and in the next panel we see that Chris's parents have been reduced by their son's power into nothing but a moist bloody puddle.
Chris accidentally killed his own parents, and this incident quite understandably has haunted him throughout his life, into youn adulthood.