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Religion: N.A.
Name: Thirteen
Other Names: 13; ADAM unit Thirteen; ADAM unit 13
Classification: supporting character
Super? (Has Super Powers/Special Abilities/Technology): Yes
Number of Appearances: 1
Gender: male
Note: an ADAM unit robot, like Zero
ADAM units are sophisticated humanoid robots from Cable's future. The robots are built to maintain peace, even forcefully if necessary. The best known ADAM unit is Zero, who was long a member of the Mutant Liberation Front and was seen in over 50 issues of Marvel comics. Eleven is another ADAM unit, seen in Cable #s 1 and 2. Other ADAM units mentioned include One-Ten, Twelve, and Thirteen.
Suggested links for further research about this character and the character's religious affiliation:
- http://www.marvunapp.com/master/adaf.htm
- http://www.uncannyxmen.net/db/time/showquestion.asp?faq=11&fldAuto=46