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Name: Salem
Alter Ego: Salem Saberhagen
Other Names: Salem Saberhagen Spellman; Salem the Cat; Young Salem
Classification: supporting character
First Appearance: Archie's Madhouse (Oct. 1962): "Sabrina the Teen-Age Witch"
Creators: George Gladir, Dan DeCarlo, Rudy Lapick
Super? (Has Super Powers/Special Abilities/Technology): Yes
Number of Appearances: 454
Comic Book Appearances: 159
TV, Film Appearances: 294
Video Game, Computer Game Appearances: 1
Ally: Sabrina the Teenage Witch
Occupation: familiar
Gender: male
Note: warlock who was turned into talking cat as punishment
Suggested links for further research about this character and the character's religious affiliation:
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salem_Saberhagen
- http://www.comicvine.com/salem/29-1723/
- http://www.imdb.com/character/ch0028272/
- http://comicbookdb.com/character.php?ID=30120
- http://www.comicvine.com/archies-madhouse-issue-22/37-141566/
- https://www.comics.org/issue/226157/
- http://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/archie-s-madhouse-22-1962-1st-appearance-sabrina
- http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1454595/