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Religion: Protestant clergyman robot/computer program
Name: Paul
Other Names: Reverend Paul
Classification: supporting character clergy/religious leader
First Appearance: X-Treme X-Men #26 (July 2003): "God Loves, Man Kills II Part 2"
Creators: Chris Claremont, Igor Kordey, Scott Hanna
Super? (Has Super Powers/Special Abilities/Technology): Yes
Number of Appearances: 5
Location: Mount Haven, Washington, USA
Gender: male
Note: A.I. based on Rev. Paul; led city of mutant children
"Paul" was an artificial intelligence - a computer program as well as a physical host robot body - which was based on the mind and personality of Reverend Paul, a mutant clergyman at Mount Haven.
Reverend Paul was a mutant who served as the spiritual advisor for Mount Haven, a city populated by mutant children, located in Washington State.
Reverend Paul was captured by Aaron Pankow, who performed experiments on him. Pankow bonded Paul's mind to a computer program as he died. The computer program took on Paul's name and personality.
The "Paul" computer program and robot took over as the leader of Mount Haven. Paul used nannites to kill non-mutants and control the mutant population of Mount Haven.
Eventually Paul bonded to Reverend Stryker and was able to learn how to accept (and stop killing) non-mutants.
Suggested links for further research about this character and the character's religious affiliation: