
Buzz Grimm

Religion: not determined yet

Name: Buzz Grimm

Other Names: Brothers Grimm

Classification: supporting character supporting character  

Publisher(s): Marvel

First Appearance: Earth X #2 (May 1999): "Chapter Two"

Creators: Jim Krueger, Alex Ross, John Paul Leon, Bill Reinhold

Super? (Has Super Powers/Special Abilities/Technology): Yes

Number of Appearances: 19

Ally: Chuck Grimm
Ally: Alicia Masters
Ally: The Thing

Gender: male

Note: son of Thing and Alicia Masters

This character is in the following 2 stories which have been indexed by this website:
Earth X #2 (May 1999): "Chapter Two"
Universe X Special: 4 (Oct. 2000)

Suggested links for further research about this character: