
The Religious Affiliation of
God of Luck
Jules Keen

Religion: gambling; Greco-Roman deity (possibly) CBR Scale: D

Name: God of Luck

Alter Ego: Jules Keen

Other Names: The Streak

Classification: supporting character supporting character   deity deity  

Publisher(s): Marvel

First Appearance: Bizarre Adventures #32 (Aug. 1982): "The Streak"

Creators: Ann Nocenti, Greg LaRocque

Super? (Has Super Powers/Special Abilities/Technology): Yes

Number of Appearances: 1

Ally: Hermes

Occupation: gambler

Gender: male

Note: sought as Olympian God of Luck by Hermes

Gambling truly was Jules Keen's "religion."

Jules Keen lived to gamble. He spent every day at the casinos and saw gambling as his one true "mistress." He was also incredibly lucky, and he won nearly all the time.

So impressive was Keen's luck that the Greco-Roman god Hermes sought him out and offered to make him the "God of Luck" that the Greco-Roman pantheon lacked. Hermes imbued Jules Keen with power that enhanced his luck even greater. Keen went to a gambling room reserved for the fabulously wealthy. He won 100% of the time at roulette.

However, Keen realized that for a gambler, winning 100% of the time was a special kind of hell. There was no longer any thrill to his favorite past time. Keen ended the story somewhat despondent.

It is not entirely clear whether Hermes actually made Jule Keen into a Greco-Roman god, or (if he did), this change was permanent. Possibly Hermes was merely teaching Keen a lesson or demonstrating a point or something. Whatever happened to Keen next, he has never appeared again since the single stand-alone anthology story that introduced him.

This character is in the following story which has been indexed by this website:
Bizarre Adventures #32 (Aug. 1982): "The Streak" (lead character)

Suggested links for further research about this character and the character's religious affiliation: