

Mutant Shaman (Michael Dorie)

The Religious Affiliation of
Mutant Shaman
Michael Dorie

Religion: mutant tribal shaman CBR Scale: S

Name: Mutant Shaman

Alter Ego: Michael Dorie

Other Names: Shaman; Mike Dorie; Michael "Mike" Dorie; Shaman of the Mutant Tribe

Classification: supporting character supporting character   clergy/religious leader clergy/religious leader  

Publisher(s): Marvel

First Appearance: X-Man #75 (May 2001): "Till the End of the World"

Creators: Steven Grant, Enrique Alcatena

Super? (Has Super Powers/Special Abilities/Technology): Yes

Number of Appearances: 2

Gender: male

Note: Nate Grey's successor as mutantkind's tribal shaman

Mutant Shaman (Michael Dorie) Mutant Shaman (Michael Dorie) Mutant Shaman (Michael Dorie)

This character is in the following 2 stories which have been indexed by this website:
Civil War: Battle Damage Report #1 (Mar. 2007)
X-Man #75 (May 2001): "Till the End of the World"

Suggested links for further research about this character and the character's religious affiliation: