Religion: not determined yet
Name: Pete
Classification: supporting character
Publisher(s): Kitchen Sink Press
First Appearance: Megaton Man (vol. 1) #1 (Nov. 1984): "They Call the Doctor... Software!"
Creators: Don Simpson
Number of Appearances: 1
Occupation: copy boy
Worked for: The Manhattan Project
Location: Megatropolis, Michigan, USA
Race: white
Gender: male
In Megaton Man #1 (Nov. 1984), a big battle between Megaton Man and his arch-nemesis Doctor Software has just concluded. Megaton Man's friends and colleagues are thrilled and congratulate him. A smiling Rudy Mayo (the city editor for The Manhattan Project) hands a newspaper with the headline "Trent Phloog is Megaton Man!!!" to a copy boy, saying "Take it to press, Pete!"
(The story had the following sub-headline: "Secret Identity Confirmed.")
In this panel, only Pete's right arm can be seen, as he received the newspaper from the city editor.