

Friedrich Engels

The Religious Affiliation of
Friedrich Engels

Religion: Christian Pietist (raised); Atheist; Communist CBR Scale: M

Name: Friedrich Engels

Classification: supporting character supporting character   scientist scientist   real/historical person real/historical person  

Publisher(s): Der Kinderbuchverlag Berlin

Earliest Appearance Listed in This Database: Mohr and the Ravens of London (1963)

Creators: Vilmos Korn, Ilse Korn

Number of Appearances: 6

   Comic Book Appearances: 1

   TV, Film Appearances: 5

Occupation: philosopher, sociologist, writer

Birth Place: Wuppertal, Germany

Race: white

Gender: male

Note: social scientist; co-founded Communism w/Marx

This character is in the following 4 stories which have been indexed by this website:
Megaton Man
Mohr and the Ravens of London

Suggested links for further research about this character and the character's religious affiliation: