
Hero Hotline

Name: Hero Hotline

Classification: heroes heroes   group group  

Publisher(s): DC

Enemy of: Firebug, Snafu

Number of group members listed below: 13

(Click links for info about character
and his/her religious practice, affiliation, etc.)
Pub. #
Diamondette Diamondette (Di Theotocopoulos) hero
  Hero Hotline DC 31
Fred Fred hero
  Hero Hotline
[invisible, intangible; only Voice-Over believes he is real]
DC 6
Hero Hotline hero group
Hotshot Hotshot (Billy Lefferts) hero
  Hero Hotline DC 11
Lightning Eyes Lightning Eyes (Terry Carbone) hero
  Hero Hotline
[speed reader]
DC 2
Ellie Longacre supporting character
  Hero Hotline (staff)
[daughter of Stretch]
DC 3
Microwavebelle Microwavebelle (Belle Jackson) hero
  Hero Hotline DC 11
Mister America Mister America (Tex Thompson) hero
  All-Star Squadron; Hero Hotline DC 76
Mister Muscle Mister Muscle (Sturgis Butterfield) hero
  Hero Hotline DC 8
Private Eyes Private Eyes (Lester Lee) hero
  Hero Hotline DC 17
Soozie-Q Soozie-Q (500Z-Q) supporting character
CBR Scale: I N.A.
Hero Hotline
[mobile computer monitoring system]
DC 10
Stretch Stretch (Tom Longacre) hero
  Hero Hotline DC 13
Voice-Over Voice-Over (Andy Greenwald) hero
  Hero Hotline DC 11