
Newsboy Legion

Name: Newsboy Legion

Classification: supporting characters supporting characters   group group  

Publisher(s): DC

Number of group members listed below: 10

(Click links for info about character
and his/her religious practice, affiliation, etc.)
Pub. #
Big Words Big Words (Anthony Rodriguez) hero
  Newsboy Legion DC 50
Famous Bobby (Roberta Harper) hero
  Newsboy Legion
[Grand-niece of the original Guardian.]
DC 15
Flip Flip (Walter Johnson Jr.) hero
  Newsboy Legion
[clone of Project Cadmus scientist Walter Johnson]
DC 55
Flip (Walter Johnson) hero scientist
  Newsboy Legion (ally)
[clone "father" of adolescent Walter "Flip" Johnson]
DC 28
Gabby Gabby (John Gabrielli) hero
  Newsboy Legion DC 46
Gabby II Gabby II (John Gabrielli) hero
  Newsboy Legion DC 58
Guardian Guardian (Jim Harper) hero
  All-Star Squadron; Newsboy Legion DC 247
Newsboy Legion supporting character group
Scrapper Scrapper (Patrick MacGuire) hero
  Newsboy Legion DC 46
Tommy Thompkins Tommy Thompkins hero
  Newsboy Legion DC 48

This character is in the following 9 stories which have been indexed by this website:
Star Spangled Comics
Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen