

Pancho Rodriguez

Pancho Rodriguez

Religion: not determined yet

Name: Pancho Rodriguez

Other Names: Pancho Hernando Gonzales Enrico Rodriguez; El Presidente Pancho Hernando Gonzales Enrico Rodriguez of Ecuarico; El Presidente; The Little Dictator

Classification: supporting character supporting character  

Publisher(s): CBS

First Appearance: Gilligan's Island - Season 2, Episode 3 (30 Sep. 1965): "The Little Dictator"

Creators: Sidney A. Mandel, Bob Rodgers, Jack Arnold, Nehemiah Persoff (actor)

Number of Appearances: 1

Ally: Jose

Occupation: dictator

Nation: Ecuarico, Latin America

Race: Hispanic

Gender: male

Note: exiled to Gilligan's Island

El Presidente Pancho Hernando Gonzales Enrico Rodriguez of Ecuarico was exiled to Gilligan's Island after his country deposed him. On the island, he continued his dictator ways by fomenting a revolution among the castaways and convincing Gilligan to be his puppet leader. This character was featured in an episode of "Gilligan's Island" which satirized the military politics rampant in many Latin American countries during the 1960s.

Pancho Rodriguez Pancho Rodriguez Pancho Rodriguez Pancho Rodriguez Pancho Rodriguez Pancho Rodriguez Pancho Rodriguez

This character is in the following story which has been indexed by this website:
Gilligan's Island - Season 2, Episode 3 (30 Sep. 1965): "The Little Dictator"

Suggested links for further research about this character: