Religion: Catholic
Name: Alexander Haig
Other Names: Al Haig; Alexander Meigs Haig, Jr.; General Alexander Haig; General Alexander M. Haig Jr; Lt. Alexander Haig; Gen. Alexander Haig
Classification: supporting character real/historical person
Publisher(s): One Way Productions; Unification Church
Earliest Appearance Listed in This Database: Inchon (1981)
Creators: Robin Moore, Paul Savage, Laird Koenig, Terence Young, John Pochna (actor)
Number of Appearances: 13
TV, Film Appearances: 9
Websites: 4
Occupation: Chief of Staff, general, politician
Location: Baltimore, Maryland, USA; Washington, D.C., USA
Birth Place: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Race: white
Gender: male
Suggested links for further research about this character and the character's religious affiliation: