

unnamed outlaw in yellow shirt

unnamed outlaw in yellow shirt

Religion: not determined yet

Name: unnamed outlaw in yellow shirt

Classification: villain villain  

Publisher(s): DC

First Appearance: New Fun #5 (Aug. 1935): "Damsel in Distress"

Creators: Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson, W. C. Brigham

Number of Appearances: 1

Enemy of: Jack Woods, unnamed woman

Ally: unnamed outlaw in blue vest

Occupation: criminal

Location: Old West, USA

Race: white

Gender: male

Note: held woman captive; Jack Woods rescued her, defeated him

unnamed outlaw in yellow shirt unnamed outlaw in yellow shirt unnamed outlaw in yellow shirt unnamed outlaw in yellow shirt unnamed outlaw in yellow shirt unnamed outlaw in yellow shirt unnamed outlaw in yellow shirt unnamed outlaw in yellow shirt

This character is in the following story which has been indexed by this website:
New Fun #5 (Aug. 1935): "Damsel in Distress"

Suggested links for further research about this character: