

unnamed hairdresser

unnamed hairdresser

Religion: not determined yet

Name: unnamed hairdresser

Other Names: "our hairdresser"

Classification: supporting character supporting character  

Publisher(s): McClintock High School

First Appearance: Writer's Block (2014)

Creators: Jeff Darge, Fargo Tbakhi

Number of Appearances: 1

Allies: unnamed landlord, unnamed landlord's wife

Occupation: hair stylist

Nation: USA

The (understandably) irate landlord who owns the building unsuccessful playwrights Milo and Robert live in came to their apartment demanding that they pay their long overdue rent. Before they opened the door and let him in, the landlord yelled them: "Alright you lousy punks, I've given you more extensions than our hairdresser has given my wife! Where is my money!?"

This character is in the following story which has been indexed by this website:
Writer's Block (2014) (mentioned)