
Base B2

Name: Base B2

Classification: supporting characters supporting characters   group group  

Publisher(s): Connolly Middle School

First Appearance: Beyond Comprehension (Mar. 2014): "The Strongest Team"

Creators: Siam Hunter

Number of Appearances: 1

Teams/Affiliations: The National Army Training Academy

Note: trained elite children soldiers in all expertise areas

In the year 2166, Base B2 provided elite training for children raised as soldiers for the National Army.

Excerpt from "The Strongest Team":

Angeal, like countless other people -- including Sam, Gavin, Ander, Ace, and Brady -- had been taken from their parents at birth and taken to either Base A1 or A2 depending on their gender and then raised there by workers from the Bureau. When Angeal was four, she was quickly transferred to Base B2 to be minimally trained in all areas of expertise until she was nine. Then, when Angeal was nine, the people from the Bureau took her to Base C3 to train her as an Assassin Combatant with many others, both male and female. Finally, she was educated in the Higher training until she was fifteen before being brought to Camp E3 to meet he new team for life.

Number of group members listed below: 2

(Click links for info about character
and his/her religious practice, affiliation, etc.)
Pub. #
Angeal supporting character
  Base A2; Base B2... 
[teen trained as Assassin Combatant]
Connolly Middle School 1
Base B2 supporting character group
  The National Army Training Academy
[trained elite children soldiers in all expertise areas]
Connolly Middle School 1

This character is in the following story which has been indexed by this website:
Beyond Comprehension (Mar. 2014): "The Strongest Team" (mentioned)