


The Religious Affiliation of

Religion: religious CBR Scale: I

Name: Gazer

Other Names: War

Classification: villain villain  

Publisher(s): Marvel

First Appearance: X-Men (vol. 2) #169 (June 2005): "Golgotha Part Four: Quarantine!"

Creators: Peter Milligan, Salvador Larroca, Danny Miki, Allen Martinez

Super? (Has Super Powers/Special Abilities/Technology): Yes

Number of Appearances: 12

Teams/Affiliations: Horsemen of Apocalypse

Enemy of: X-Men

Worked for: NASA

Gender: male

Formerly a mutant NASA employee aboard space station; became "War" of the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse.

On the NASA satellite he lived on, Gazer was quite lonely. Perhaps this combined with radiation sickness is what led to him speaking to a "Phantom Torso," imagining it was sentient. He imagined that the Phantom Torso spoke back to him, frequently advising him to call NASA and ask them if he could return to Earth. Gazer spoke to the "Phantom Torso" in X-Men vol. 2 #s 178 and 180.

Gazer Gazer

This character is in the following story which has been indexed by this website:
X-Men (vol. 2) #169 (June 2005): "Golgotha Part Four: Quarantine!"

Suggested links for further research about this character and the character's religious affiliation: