
college professors

Name: college professors

Classification: supporting characters supporting characters   group group   real/historical group real/historical group  

Type of Organization/Group: occupation

Number of group members listed below: 38

(Click links for info about character
and his/her religious practice, affiliation, etc.)
Pub. #
Professor Baldwin villain scientist
CBR Scale: D Transhumanist; atheist
[created human/animal hybrids] Marvel Thomas Nelson 1
Black Knight Black Knight (Nathan Garrett) villain scientist
  The Masters of Evil Marvel 32
Dr. Joe Carroll villain clergy/religious leader
CBR Scale: M Carrollism (founder)
[obsessed with Edgar Allan Poe] Fox TV Warner Brothers 15
Chi Demon (Prof. Suyin King) hero
CBR Scale: S Eternals religion
Asian; Eternals...  Marvel 2
Dr. Daniel Damian supporting character villain
CBR Scale: S studied, empowered by Celestials
[professor of archaeology] Marvel 8
Doc Samson Doc Samson (Dr. Leonard Samson) hero
CBR Scale: S Jewish
E.D.I.T. (leader); Initiative Marvel 304
Donald Donald supporting character
  [present when Mary Elizabeth played Bell of Ikonn] Marvel 1
Professor Gregson Gilbert Professor Gregson Gilbert supporting character scientist
  [Reed Richards' old college professor; build Dragon Man] Marvel 8
Doctor Genn supporting character
  [Emma Frost's education professor] Marvel 1
John Grey John Grey supporting character
CBR Scale: U Episcopalian
[Jean Grey's father] Marvel 44
Dr. Sam Holden supporting character
CBR Scale: U Eternals religion
[anthropology professor; taught about Eternals, Deviants] Marvel 9
Isbisa (Simon Meke) villain
  [medical therapist] Marvel 11
Jackal Jackal (Miles Warren) villain scientist
CBR Scale: U religious
[professor of biochemistry; cloning expert] Marvel 5
Julian Jaynes real/historical person
CBR Scale: I Unitarian
[argued that ancient peoples were not conscious] Marvel 1
Pamela Jointly Pamela Jointly supporting character
CBR Scale: M Liberal
The University of Michigan
[muckraking liberal columnist; attacks Megaton Man in print]
Kitchen Sink Press 10
Dr. Charles Laing supporting character
  [teacher in ESU School of Journalism] Marvel 1
Mr. Liberty hero
  [history professor] Timely Marvel 5
The Locust The Locust (August Hopper) villain scientist
CBR Scale: S vengeance
[1st app: The X-Men (vol. 1) #24 (Sep. 1966)] Marvel 6
Man-Thing Man-Thing (Ted Sallis) hero scientist
  Daydreamers; Legion of Monsters... 
[Guardian of the Nexus of Realities]
Marvel 176
Professor Mason supporting character
  [taught Emma Frost] Marvel 1
Claire Matthews supporting character
  [Joe Carroll's ex-wife; Ryan Hardy's beloved] Fox TV Warner Brothers 15
Art Nichols supporting character
CBR Scale: S mutant rights activist
[helped design exoskeleton for Adrian Castorp]
Marvel 1
Professor Pinter supporting character
  [walks his dog Elvis at ESU, where it chases birds] Marvel 1
Suzanne Polukort supporting character
  [Free Spirit's professor; introduced her to Superia] Marvel 1
Professor Professor supporting character
CBR Scale: M aestholatry
[taught drama writing to Milo and Rob in college] McClintock High School 1
Sidewinder Sidewinder (Seth Voelker) villain
  Serpent Society; Serpent Squad Marvel 36
Dr. Morris Sloan supporting character scientist
  [one of Peter Parker's professors] Marvel 20
Spellbinder Spellbinder (Erica Fortune) hero
CBR Scale: S magic user
[mutant, with magic-amplified powers] Marvel 13
unnamed accounting professor supporting character
  [one of Emma Frost's college professors] Marvel 1
Rachel van Helsing Rachel van Helsing hero
CBR Scale: S vampire
vampire hunters
Marvel 37
Professor Roderick van Nuys supporting character scientist
  [Mr. Fantastic's former professor; cured by Claw of Bast] Marvel 3
Vulture (Clifton Shallot) villain scientist
  [Ph.D in Biophysics] Marvel 1
Philip Watson supporting character
  [Mary Jane Watson's father; abusive to his wife] Marvel 5
Mrs. Wellesley supporting character
  [present when Mary Elizabeth played Bell of Ikonn] Marvel 1
Wendigo Wendigo (George Baptiste) villain
  [1st app: The Incredible Hulk (vol. 2) #162 (Apr. 1973)] Marvel 4
Wild Man (Harold Shapiro) hero
  Easy Company; U.S. Army
[quiet history professor before the war]
DC 32
Helen Williams supporting character
CBR Scale: S mutant rights activist
[helped design exoskeleton for Adrian Castorp]
Marvel 1
Professor Yeates supporting character
CBR Scale: S skeptic turned into a believer
[studied Golem; initially disbelieved it was alive] Marvel 2