

Name: leaders

Classification: supporting characters supporting characters   group group   real/historical group real/historical group  

Type of Organization/Group: occupation

Number of group members listed below: 64

(Click links for info about character
and his/her religious practice, affiliation, etc.)
Pub. #
A'x'iar villain
CBR Scale: S H'v'ler'ni
[leader of H'v'ler'ni]
DC 1
Princess Actis supporting character
CBR Scale: I alien
[grandchild of Peri and Yrcanos] Marvel UK 1
Commander Adama Commander Adama supporting character clergy/religious leader
CBR Scale: M Colonial religion (leader)
[leader of Colonial fleet; member of Quorum of the Twelve] Glen A. Larson Productions ABC, etc. 165
Ahk-Orrd supporting character
CBR Scale: M Hunter/Gatherer religion
[led Hunter/Gatherers who tried to peacefully conquer Earth]
DC 2
Sheik Yusif Al-Bialyii villain
CBR Scale: M Muslim
[1st app: Checkmate (vol. 2) #22 (Mar. 2008)] DC 1
Marte Allon Marte Allon supporting character
CBR Scale: I Jewish
[Colossal Boy's mother; President of Earth] DC 27
Alpha Alpha supporting character
CBR Scale: M Humanised Dalek religion (worshipped the Doctor)
[first Dalek infused by Doctor with "Human Factor"] BBC Marvel 6
Dax-Am Dax-Am supporting character
CBR Scale: R Kryptonian religion
[colonized the planet Daxam, home of Mon-El's ancestors]
DC 1
Amatus supporting character
CBR Scale: U religious
[taught Capricia and Danik best way to guide humanity]
CrossGen 9
Idi Amin Idi Amin villain real/historical person
CBR Scale: S Muslim
[dictator president of Uganda (1971-1979)] Marvel Ec, etc. 32
Ratu Benin villain
  [murderous president of African nation Mali] DC 4
Big Brain villain
CBR Scale: D N.A.
[Class 9; all other robots are below him; has human parts] IPC Media 10
Lamont Black Dog supporting character
  Black Dog Clan (leader) Dabel Brothers 2
Tony Blair Tony Blair supporting character real/historical person
CBR Scale: M Anglican; Catholic (convert)
[U.K. Prime Minister] Marvel 229
"Big" Johnson Bone supporting character
  [founder of Boneville; ancestor of Fone Bone] Cartoon Books 1
Dr. Joe Carroll villain clergy/religious leader
CBR Scale: M Carrollism (founder)
[obsessed with Edgar Allan Poe] Fox TV Warner Brothers 15
Corona supporting character
CBR Scale: D The Proud People (leader)
[leads Proud People, 150 years in future] Marvel 3
Jacqueline Cunegonde supporting character
  [1st app: Shadow Cabinet #5 (Oct. 1994)] DC Milestone Media 1
Dexus Dexus supporting character
  [1st app: Wasteland #2 (Aug. 2006)] Oni Press 5
Finn Mac Cool Finn Mac Cool (Fionn Mac Cumhail) hero
  [chieftain who became leader of the Fianna] T. Becket and P.A. De Hondt 2
Geronimo Geronimo real/historical person
CBR Scale: D Native American religion (Apache/Bedonkohe); Dutch Reformed Church (convert)
[medicine man] Marvel 36
The Governor (Philip Blake) villain
  [1st app: The Walking Dead #27 (Apr. 2006)] Image 65
He Who Summons supporting character
CBR Scale: R Watcher religion
The Watchers
[leader of the Watchers]
Marvel 3
The Head supporting character
  The National Army
[involved in training of Ace and Brady]
Connolly Middle School 1
The Inner Circle The Inner Circle villain
  The Hellfire Club; X-Men Marvel
Karl Jat villain
CBR Scale: M Utopian; Atlantean (pre-cataclysmic)
Utolian DC 1
Joshua Joshua supporting character clergy/religious leader real/historical person
CBR Scale: D Jewish
[1st app: Old Testament (1402 B.C.)] various 27
Manga Khan villain
CBR Scale: I alien
[Intergalactic Shopping Network] DC 19
Lafayette Lafayette (Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette) supporting character real/historical person
CBR Scale: S Catholic
[1st app: Washington at Valley Forge (1914)] Universal Film Manufacturing Company 45
Lord of the Lions Lord of the Lions (Amra) villain
  [jungle leader killed, replaced by Conan] Marvel 3
Maa-Gor Maa-Gor villain
CBR Scale: S Man-Ape religion
[led Man-Apes, who were nearly all killed by Ka-Zar]
Marvel 24
President Mabawa supporting character
CBR Scale: S anti-mutant
[1st app: X-Factor (vol. 1) #88 (Mar. 1993)] Marvel 2
Nelson Mandela Nelson Mandela real/historical person
CBR Scale: S Methodist
[1st post-apartheid president of South Africa] Marvel 133
The Master The Master (James Sinoda) supporting character
  [1st app: Monsters Unleashed #6 (June 1974)] Marvel 3
Lord Merrek Lord Merrek supporting character
CBR Scale: U Skrull religion
[started fecundity-supplement programs]
Marvel 1
Mojo II villain
CBR Scale: I alien
Spineless One
[biped clone of original Mojo; briefly overthrew him]
Marvel 6
Sebastian Monroe Sebastian Monroe villain
  United States Marine Corps
[leads a vicious post-blackout break-off republic]
NBC Warner Brothers, etc. 21
Mutates' leader villain
  [most powerful of the Earth-6943 Mutates] Marvel 2
Ojeeg supporting character
CBR Scale: M Wolverine tribal religion
[1st app: The Micronauts (vol. 1) #57 (Mar. 1984)] Marvel 1
Princess Leia Princess Leia (Leia Organa) hero
CBR Scale: S The Force/Jedi
[1st app: Star Wars (1977) - film 4 in Star Wars series] 20th Century Fox Lucasfilm 285
Captain Ray supporting character villain scientist
CBR Scale: M separatist
[led Union of Separatist Scientists; held Plus captive] DC Milestone Media 3
Madame Reneau Madame Reneau villain
  [former Genoshan President] Marvel 7
Snow Czar villain
CBR Scale: I alien
Ice People
[leader of Ice People]
Atlas Marvel 1
Micah Synn Micah Synn supporting character villain
CBR Scale: D KinGorge tribe (leader); Machiavellian
[1st app: Daredevil (vol. 1) #202 (Jan. 1984)] Marvel 9
Lord M'Dom Typ supporting character
CBR Scale: R Aerian religion
[former Aerian leader; Wend's husband]
Marvel 2
Thierry Umutoni Thierry Umutoni supporting character
[UN Deputy Secretary-General; led war against zombies]
Paramount Pictures Plan B Entertainment, etc. 1
unnamed acting leader of Bedoin tribe villain
CBR Scale: R Sunni Muslim (Bedouin)
Arab; Bedouins
[led tribe when main leader captive of French Foreign Legion]
DC 1
unnamed alien leader villain
CBR Scale: D alien
[led failed alien plot to infiltrate Earth via dolls] Marvel 1
unnamed Arab leader villain based on a real person
CBR Scale: D Muslim
[sent new Arabian Knight to attack Wakanda] Marvel 1
unnamed Bedouin leader villain
CBR Scale: R Sunni Muslim (Bedouin)
Arab; Bedouins DC 2
unnamed Chinese president supporting character
[Earth-691 (21st Century)]
Marvel 1
unnamed football league commissioner supporting character
  [league commissioner; met with Jack Magniconte] Marvel New Universe 2
unnamed foreign premiere supporting character based on a real person
 prob. indeterminate  [assassination target; maybe based on Kennedy shooting] DC 1
unnamed Kenyan leader villain
  [plotted against Black Panther] Marvel 2
unnamed Secret Service chief unnamed Secret Service chief villain
  [1st app: Police Comics #8 (Mar. 1942)] Quality 1
unnamed Soviet president supporting character
  [Earth-691 (21st Century)] Marvel 1
Gennady Voronov supporting character real/historical person
CBR Scale: M Communist
[Russian premiere in 1965] DC 1
Waku hero
CBR Scale: M African primal-indigenous religion
[Bantu African chieftain]
Marvel Atlas 1
The Warlord of Kampuchea (James Morell) villain
  Green Berets; U.S. Army Marvel 1
Audra Weissman supporting character
  [led Lotusland, until ejected by Draco] Marvel 2
Boris Yeltsin supporting character real/historical person
CBR Scale: M Communist; Russian Orthodox
[1st president of Russian Federation] Marvel Revolutionary Comics 48
Yoongar leader villain
CBR Scale: D alien
Yoongar DC Milestone Media 2
Milos Yusevitch supporting character
  [president of Rumekistan who succeeded Cable] Marvel 1
Zemu villain
CBR Scale: I alien
[R'Zahnian leader. Apparently had a base on Saturn.]
Marvel 2