

Blixa Danzig

The Religious Affiliation of
Blixa Danzig

Religion: repenant CBR Scale: S

Name: Blixa Danzig

Classification: hero hero  

Publisher(s): Caliber Press

First Appearance: Caliber Presents #1 (Jan. 1989): "IO"

Creators: James O'Barr (as Barbed Wire Halo Studios), Guy Davis (as Barbed Wire Halo Studios)

Number of Appearances: 7

Occupation: mercenary

Race: white

Gender: male

Note: cold-blooded merc who found he had a heart

Cold-blooded mercenary-for-hire Blixa Danzig found that he had a heart after all when he was assigned to kill a woman who was pregnant. He helped the woman give birth. Realizing the tough future that the baby (named Wednesday) would face, he quits the mercenary business and raises the child as his own.

Blixa Danzig Blixa Danzig

This character is in the following story which has been indexed by this website:
Caliber Presents #1 (Jan. 1989): "IO" (lead character)

Suggested links for further research about this character and the character's religious affiliation: