

Caps Hobby Center

Cap’s Hobby Center

Name: Cap's Hobby Center

Classification: supporting characters supporting characters   group group  

Publisher(s): DC

Number of Appearances: 100

Type of Organization/Group: store

Nation: USA

Note: hobby shop featured in short fillers and gag strips

Number of group members listed below: 2

(Click links for info about character
and his/her religious practice, affiliation, etc.)
Pub. #
Cap Cap lead character
  [ran hobby center; gave hobby advice to kids] DC 121
Cap's Hobby Center Cap's Hobby Center supporting character group
  [hobby shop featured in short fillers and gag strips] DC 100

Cap's Hobby Center Cap's Hobby Center Cap's Hobby Center Cap's Hobby Center Cap's Hobby Center

This character is in the following 10 stories which have been indexed by this website:
Challengers of the Unknown
Mystery in Space (vol. 1) #103 (Nov. 1965): "Cap's Hobby Center"
Strange Adventures (vol. 1) #187 (Apr. 1966): "Cap's Hobby Hints"
Superboy (vol. 1) #125 (Dec. 1965): "Here's a great little model airplane!" (1-panel cameo)
Teen Titans

Suggested links for further research about this character: