

Fer-de-Lance (Teresa Vasquez)

Teresa Vasquez

Religion: not determined yet

Name: Fer-de-Lance

Alter Ego: Teresa Vasquez

Classification: villain villain  

Publisher(s): Marvel

First Appearance: Captain America (vol. 1) #337 (Jan. 1988): "The Long Road Back"

Creators: Mark Gruenwald, Tom Morgan, Dave Hunt

Super? (Has Super Powers/Special Abilities/Technology): Yes

Number of Appearances: 26

Teams/Affiliations: Serpent Society; Serpent Squad

Nation: USA

Birth Place: San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA

Gender: female

A few different groups of snake-themed villains have used the name "Serpent Squad." Ultimately, most members of the various Serpent Squads ended up being members of the larger Serpent Society. One "Serpent Squad" was initially organized by Viper in order to infiltrate the Serpent Society. The members of this Serpent Squad were Black Racer, Copperhead, Fer-de-Lance, and Puff Adder. As chronicled in Captain America (vol. 1) #337, these snake-themed villains claimed to be potential new members of the Serpent Society who were trying out for positions in the Society, but when they had their chance, they followed Viper's orders to attack the Society and poison the Society's leader, Sidewinder.

Despite this rather confrontational introduction to the Serpent Society, this Serpent Squad was short-lived, as its members soon saw the benefit of being part of the Serpent Society, joined it, and became longstanding regular members.

This character is in the following 16 stories which have been indexed by this website:
Captain America
Captain America: The Legend #1 (Sep. 1996)

Suggested links for further research about this character: