

Mr. Charles

Mr. Charles

Religion: not determined yet

Name: Mr. Charles

Classification: villain villain  

Publisher(s): DC

First Appearance: Batman: Streets of Gotham #1 (Aug. 2009): "Ignition"

Creators: Paul Dini, Dustin Nguyen, Derek Fridolfs

Number of Appearances: 1

Enemy of: Abuse

Ally: Clay

Gender: male

Note: "john": would-be customer of very young prostitute "Candi"

Mr. Charles was beat up by a vigilante who possibly called himself "Abuse." The muscular vigilante, whose large coat and hat obscured his rough features, punched Mr. Charles with brass knuckles that left the impression of the word "ABUSE" on his forehead. The vigilante, apparently referring to the word on Mr. Charles' forehead, then told Katy, "This is me."

Mr. Charles Mr. Charles

This character is in the following story which has been indexed by this website:
Batman: Streets of Gotham #1 (Aug. 2009): "Ignition" (6-panel cameo)