Religion: Annunake
Name: Admiral Strom
First Appearance: Aquaman (vol. 5) #3 (Nov. 1994): "Arthur Goes Hawaiian: Chapter 1: Hand Off"
Creators: Peter David, Gene Gonzales, Martin Egeland, Howard M. Shum
Super? (Has Super Powers/Special Abilities/Technology): Yes
Number of Appearances: 11
Enemy of: Aquaman
Gender: male
Human Navy admiral. Worked for the Annunake, alien race trying to conquer Earth. The Annunake have their own ideologies as well as their own religion, gods, etc. The degree to which Strom conspired with them for ideological/religious reasons vs. other reasons is unclear. Did Strom subscribe to Annunake beliefs? If not, why help them?
Suggested links for further research about this character and the character's religious affiliation: