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Religion: Catholic (lapsed); mutant supremacist
Name: Pyro
Alter Ego: St. John Allerdyce
Other Names: John Allerdyce
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (vol. 1) #141 (Jan. 1981): "Days of Future Past"
Creators: Chris Claremont, John Byrne
Super? (Has Super Powers/Special Abilities/Technology): Yes
Number of Appearances: 194
Comic Book Appearances: 174
TV, Film Appearances: 16
Video Game, Computer Game Appearances: 4
Teams/Affiliations: Brotherhood of Mutants; Freedom Force
Race: white
Gender: male
From: "Atheist superheroes?" forum discussion, started 21 September 1999 on the rec.arts.comics.marvel.universe newsgroup website (; viewed 22 June 2006):
From: Dwiff
Date: Tues, Sep 21 1999 12:00 am...Anyone care to post a list of those characters whose spiritual beliefs are on record?
From: David O'Brien
Date: Tues, Sep 21 1999 12:00 amPyro: Was in what looked to be a Catholic church at one stage confessing...
From: "Religion/Spirituality" forum discussion, started 29 November 2003 on the website (; viewed 10 January 2006):
Lia Brown
Feb 7, 2004, 12:43 amPyro was implied to be Catholic. (Worst. Catholic. Ever.)
From: "X-Men and Religion" forum discussion, started 21 August 2005 on the website (; viewed 15 June 2006):
Lia Brown
Aug 23, 2005, 02:25 amPyro was strongly implied to be Catholic (or at least of a Catholic background) ...although I guess not a very good one.
From: Mirtika, "Is Superman a Methodist?", posted 15 June 2006 on the Mirathon blog website (; viewed 15 June 2006):
Is Superman Jewish, Methodist, or a Christ figure? Newsweek is examining the matter...
So, I offer this nifty assemblage of charts and lists and links on comic book religion found at
When you're done with the superhero list, peruse the list of supporting (non-superhero) characters and the list of villains. Lex Luthor is, apparently, a Nietzschean atheist, and Pyro is a lapsed Catholic...
Suggested links for further research about this character and the character's religious affiliation: