Religion: Buddhist (founder)
Name: Buddha
Alter Ego: Siddhartha Gautama
Other Names: The Enlightened One; Sakyamuni; Tathagata; Svetaketu
Classification: clergy/religious leader real/historical person
Earliest Appearance Listed in This Database: The Gandharan Buddhist Texts (25 A.D.)
Number of Appearances: 29
Comic Book Appearances: 11
TV, Film Appearances: 18
Gender: male
Notable Moments: Features historical cameos by Moses, Christ, Confucius, Mohammed, and Buddha, who were briefly considered to get their own Showcase tryout.; Justice League Companion, page 194 about JLA #40: Five men of moral fortitude are celebrated: Moses, Christ, Confucius, Mohammed, and Buddha.
Suggested links for further research about this character and the character's religious affiliation: