BELOW: Nick Fury tells Thor he doesn't believe in any gods:
Fury put down his pen and squeezed the bridge of his nose. "Okay," he said with his eyes closed. "I get it. If I have to raise my right hand and swear that I believe you're the Norse god of thunder just to get you to leave, I'll do it." He raised his right hand, looking down at his desk. Ten seconds or so later, he looked up. "You're not gone."
"You're not very convincing," Thor said.
"Neither are you, Mister Son of Odin, or Wotan, or whatever we're supposed to call him. I don't believe in gods--any of them--and until you bring Jesus Christ himself in to walk across the Upper Bay from Battery Park to here, that isn't going to change. Far as I'm concerned, you're a garden-variety anti-globalization wacko who got hold of some tech that nobody can reverse-engineer. Doesn't make you anything special."
Thor had started smiling at "Wotan," and couldn't stop. "Quite a speech, General Fury."
"You provoke me," Fury said.
"Well. Let me provoke you to pay attention."
Source: The Ultimates: Against All Enemies (2007), pg. 38-39. Written by Alex Irvine. See also: gods; impiety; disbelief; Jesus Christ; Norse/Teutonic paganism; Atheist; Non-Religious; Christian (generic); Thor (Donald Blake); Nick Fury; Jesus Christ (Jesus of Nazareth); Odin
BELOW: In a bit of self-effacing reflection, Tony Stark thinks about his own lack of "moral fiber or ethical beliefs":
He pivoted in midair, reaching down. Thor would save himself, and Clint was a soldier . . . but he had to save Steve [Captain America]. Too many people needed Steve, and Tony Stark might have been a vain, alcoholic, dying playboy with no evident moral fiber or ethical beliefs, but he would have given his life in that moment to save Steve Rogers.
Source: The Ultimates: Against All Enemies (2007), pg. 331. Written by Alex Irvine. See also: belief; alcoholism; sacrifice; amoral; ethical; Non-Religious; Captain America (Steve Rogers); Iron Man (Tony Stark)