Avengers Finale #1 (Jan. 2005), page 16:
Iron Man: "Don't tell anyone I ever said this out loud, because I know it sounds arrogant beyond comprehension, but I always thought of as 'The Beatles' of super heroes."
Captain America (vol. 1) #215 (Nov. 1977): "The Way It Really Was!", page 3:
Captain America: "Maybe an ex-Beatle named Lennon said it best, when somebody asked why he wanted to live here more than any place on Earth! He said -- if you lived in the days of Rome, you'd want to live in Rome -- so he wanted to be in New York! An old warhorse like me surely can't add much to those sentiments."
X-Men (vol. 1) #55 (Apr. 1969): "Where Angels Dare to Tread!":
Winter 1963: A waiting world still basks in ignorance of names it will shortly idolize... names like the Beatles, Barbra Streisand, the Amazing Spider-Man and perhaps, the Avenging Angel!
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