Police Comics #7 (Feb. 1942): "Now, Y'sure y'got your part in this war game figgered out, Hillbilly?", page 18, panel 2:
Sarge: "Now, y'sure y'got your part in this war game figgered out, hillbilly? ...You b'long to a group who are surrounded an' ya take cover in th' first handy hidin' place ya find!"
Dewey Drip: "I'll jes' imagine th' revenooers air after me!"
Police Comics #15 (Jan. 1943): "Deer Gran Sun Dewey, Yistady I decided to jine up with yore army", page 32, panel 9:
one of Pappy's progeny: "But Pappy, Mawm wants yo!"
another one of Pappy's progeny: "She got wo revenoors treed!"
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