
X-Men: The 198 #1 (Mar. 2006)
by David Hine, Jim Muniz, Kevin Conrad

X-Men: The 198 #1

Medium: comic

Cover date: Mar. 2006

Publisher: Marvel
Written by: David Hine
Art by: Jim Muniz, Kevin Conrad

13 characters in this story:

(Click links for info about character
and his/her religious practice, affiliation, etc.)
Pub. #
Cyclops Cyclops (Scott Summers) hero
CBR Scale: SCBR Scale: I Protestant; mutant supremacist
Brotherhood of Mutant Supremacy; Summers Rebellion...  Marvel 8,371
Karma Karma (Xi'an Coy Manh) hero
CBR Scale: S Catholic; LGBT
Academy of Tomorrow; Asian...  Marvel 260
Magma Magma (Amara Aquilla) hero
CBR Scale: M Greco-Roman classical religion
Hellions; New Hellions...  Marvel 269
White Queen White Queen (Emma Frost) villain hero
CBR Scale: U Episcopalian (nominal); mutant supremacist
Academy of Tomorrow; Dark X-Men...  Marvel 3,409
Lorelei Travis Lorelei Travis supporting character
  The 198 Marvel 23
Toad Toad (Mortimer Toynbee) villain
CBR Scale: S mutant supremacist
Brotherhood of Mutants; Misfits...  Marvel 310
Erg Erg (Andreas Konig) villain
CBR Scale: S mutant supremacist
Drain Dwellers; Morlocks...  Marvel 42
Sentinel Squad O.N.E. Sentinel Squad O.N.E. supporting character group
 indeterminate  [reference to generic, unnamed O.N.E. Sentinels] Marvel 52
Mister M Mister M (Absolom Zebardyn Mercator) hero
  The 198 Marvel 17
Empath Empath (Manuel Alfonso Rodrigo de la Rocha) hero
CBR Scale: S Catholic
Hellions; The 198...  Marvel 70
Mammomax Mammomax (Maximus Jensen) villain
CBR Scale: S mutant supremacist
Brotherhood of Mutants; The 198 Marvel 26
Antonio Argento Antonio Argento supporting character
  [briefly dated Magma; died when depowered on M-Day] Marvel 1
The 198 The 198 supporting character villain hero group
  [refugees who gathered together after M-Day] Marvel 54