
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman
Season 3, Episode 4 (15 Oct. 1995): “When Irish Eyes Are Killing”
by Grant Rosenberg, Winrich Kolbe

Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 3, Episode 4

Title: “When Irish Eyes Are Killing”

Medium: television series episode

Original airdate: 15 Oct. 1995

Publisher: ABC
Written by: Grant Rosenberg
Directed by: Winrich Kolbe

5 characters in this story:

(Click links for info about character
and his/her religious practice, affiliation, etc.)
Pub. #
Superman Superman (Clark Kent) hero
CBR Scale: S Methodist / Kryptonian religion
Kryptonians; Super Friends...  DC 13,409
Lois Lane Lois Lane supporting character
CBR Scale: I Catholic
Raleigh College
[Superman's girlfriend, then wife]
DC 3,859
Jimmy Olsen Jimmy Olsen supporting character hero
CBR Scale: I Lutheran
The Legion of Super-Heroes
[Superman's pal]
DC 1,896
Perry White Perry White supporting character clergy/religious leader
CBR Scale: S Baptist; Elvis worship (ordained)
[Superman's (Clark Kent's) boss; Daily Planet editor] DC 1,574
Martha Kent Martha Kent supporting character
CBR Scale: S Methodist
[Superman's adoptive mother] DC 827

Timecode: 0 minutes, 0 seconds: Clark Kent and Lois Lane are driving to an event.

Lois Lane: [sarcastically] Oh, I just love going to these charity events in the mid-afternoon. I say we get in, make an appearance, and get out.

Clark Kent: Isn't Perry expecting you to be one of the bachelorettes auctioned off?

Lois Lane: I told him I wasn't available.

[Clark looks at her.]

Lois Lane: Am I?

Clark Kent: Lois, we've already been over this.

Lois Lane: [sigh] Oh, yeah. You love me too much for us to be together. Right?

Clark Kent: How come when you repeat what I say it sounds so dumb?

Lois Lane: Because it is dumb. You're completely over-reacting.

Clark Kent: Really? If you'd never met me--

Lois Lane: I wouldn't constantly be putting myself in danger 'cause I know you'll get me out of it and bad guys wouldn't be putting me in danger in order to get to you.

[Lois Lane's tone of voice indicates that although she takes these ideas somewhat seriously, she has also heard Clark say these things innumerable times before and she is kind of tired of this whole line of thinking.]

Clark Kent: Trouble has a way of finding you, Lois. Especially when I'm around. Maybe I'm a jinx.

[Lois says nothing. She doesn't believe this, or doesn't want to believe this. She is fairly good-natured with Clark in this scene, especially considering the fact that in the last scene of the previous episode he tried to break up with her. Overall, Lois simply doesn't seem to be taking his "break up" speech very seriously now that she has had time to think about it. She realizes that he is trying to break up with her not because he doesn't love her, but because he is trying to protect her, and she feels she doesn't need that kind of protection.]

Timecode: 4 minutes, 51 seconds: After the opening credits, the next scene begins with a close-up on two skull-shaped candles which seem to represent some kind of dark, cult-like beliefs. Ominous, dark, pseudo-religious music plays on the underscore. A robed figure picks up the two skull-shaped candlestick holders, which hold lit candles. The figure approaches an alter on which lies a confined woman. Other candles surround the woman in this room, which is otherwise entirely dark. It looks like the scene of a human sacrifice ceremony. It is a very frightening scene. The robed figure places the two skull-shaped candlestick holders on the alter, on either side of the woman's head. The hooded figure draws a dagger. The woman sees the blade and screams. The figure's shadow passes in front of the woman, darkening the screen entirely. End of scene.

BELOW: A hooded Druid (i.e., a Celtic priest) performs murders a woman in a human sacrifice ritual:

A hooded Druid (i.e., a Celtic priest) performs murders a woman in a human sacrifice ritual larger larger larger larger larger

Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 3, Episode 4 (15 Oct. 1995). Written by Grant Rosenberg. Directed by Winrich Kolbe.

At this point, the episode's title is displayed on screen: "When Irish Eyes Are Killing." Does this mean that this episode will focus on an Irish death cult? A previous episode of this series has shown an awareness of the killing that takes place between Irish Protestants and Irish Catholics in Northen Ireland. But the terrorism there largely involves bombings. The apparent human sacrifice ceremony shown in this scene seems to be more like something from a pagan ritual than anything out of Northern Irish Catholicism or Protestantism. There were no Judeo-Christian trappings displayed in the ritual. Was the ritual performed by abberant would-be Druids or revivalist Celtic pagans? We do not know yet. A few minutes later, we learn that these human sacrifices are indeed associated with Irish Druidism.

Timecode: 5 minutes, 26 seconds: Cut to Daily Planet offices.

BELOW: The Daily Planet staffers discuss ritualistic murders taking place in Metropolis:

The Daily Planet staffers discuss ritualistic murders taking place in Metropolis larger larger larger larger

Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 3, Episode 4 (15 Oct. 1995). Written by Grant Rosenberg. Directed by Winrich Kolbe.

Perry White: Judas Priest, there's been another one.

Jimmy Olsen: Another murder?

Perry White: Oh, same deal as before. Young woman. Body dumped in the alley. Appears to be, uh, some sort of ritual.

Lois Lane: Oh, God.

Perry White: Boy, I tell you, if this thing heats up I'm gonna pull you two off that robbery story. How's that coming anyway?

Lois Lane: Just finished it.

Perry White: Oh, ho boy! You two are fantastic. I've never seen a more natural pairing since Hepburn and Tracy.

Jimmy Olsen: Or Homer and Marge.

Lois Lane: Charles and Di.

Timecode: 8 minutes, 29 seconds: The next day, in the Daily Planet offices, Lois Lane talks to police on the phone.

Lois Lane: Uh huh. Uh huh. Thanks. I'll call you back. [Hangs up the phone. Turns to Clark.] Another murder. A woman, cut up the same way, after the robbery last night.

BELOW: Yet another woman has been murdered by Druids as a human sacrifice:

Yet another woman has been murdered by Druids as a human sacrifice

Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 3, Episode 4 (15 Oct. 1995). Written by Grant Rosenberg. Directed by Winrich Kolbe.

Clark Kent: And you want the story.

[Lois Lane gives him a look.]

Clark Kent: It's not bad enough you almost got blown up.

Lois Lane: Maybe we're already on the story. A robbery, then a murder. Another robbery, then another murder.

Later: Perry White is conducting another charity auction. Lois Lane volunteers to be on the auction block, so Perry White can auction off a date with her. A number of people bid on her, but Clark outbids them all, eventually offering $150.00. But before the auction is closed, an man with a heavy Irish accent calls out a winning bid.

BELOW: Charming Irish multi-millionaire Patrick Sullivan is introduced.

Charming Irish multi-millionaire Patrick Sullivan is introduced. larger larger

Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 3, Episode 4 (15 Oct. 1995). Written by Grant Rosenberg. Directed by Winrich Kolbe.

Patrick Sullivan: Ten thousand.

Perry White: Ten thousand?

Lois Lane: Patrick?

Patrick Sullivan: In the flesh.

Perry White: Uh, sir, is that ten thousand American dollars?

Patrick Sullivan: Any way you want it. Dollars. Pounds. Rubles. Gold bars.

Perry White: [chuckles] Well, sir, I thank you. And-- and the children thank you. [chuckles] All right!

[The croud of Daily Planet workers applaud. Lois Lane steps down and talks to her old acquaintance.]

Lois Lane: What are you doing in Metropolis?

Patrick Sullivan: Well, I'm here on business. You . . . look great. Filled out in all the right places.

Lois Lane: [blushes] You look great, too.

Clark Kent: Ahem.

Lois Lane: Oh, uh, Clark. This is Patrick Sullivan. I met him when I was an exchange student in Ireland.

Patrick Sullivan: I'm sorry for out-bidding you, lad, but Lois and I go way back. The very thought of having her all to myself for the night, it sent shivers down my spine and directly into my wallet.

[Lois Lane and Clark Kent chuckle. Clark chuckles a bit forced and uncomfortably.]

Lois Lane: Well, Clark Kent is my, um . . . colleague at the Planet.

[Lois Lane did NOT introduce Clark Kent as her boyfriend or fiance. Perhaps she is going to try to go along with Clark breaking up with her, to teach him a lesson so he'll ask her to get back together?]

Patrick Sullivan: Oh, I've seen the poster. The other half of Lane and Kent.

[Clark shakes Patrick's hand, using his super strength to squeeze Patrick's hand very hard.]

BELOW: Lois Lane recalls the stories of Druids and human sacrifices told by Patrick Sullivan's father:

Lois Lane recalls the stories of Druids and human sacrifices told by Patrick Sullivan's father larger larger larger larger larger

Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 3, Episode 4 (15 Oct. 1995). Written by Grant Rosenberg. Directed by Winrich Kolbe.

Lois Lane: [to Patrick] So, how's your father?

Patrick Sullivan: I'm afraid he's had a bit of an illness. Had to check into a hospital.

Lois Lane: Oh, I'm sorry. [to Clark] Oh, Patrick's dad was the greatest storyteller! Druids and wizards and virgin sacrifices. Oh! He made up all this creepy stuff.

Patrick Sullivan: What makes you think he made it up?

[Lois chuckles, assuming that Patrick is joking.]

Lois Lane: So . . . Ten thousand dollars. You didn't happen to see that movie Indecent Proposal, did you?

Patrick Sullivan: Yes. Oh, I loved it.

[Lois Lane and Clark Kent exchange looks. Clark is clearly unhappy with Lois going on a $10,000 date with a man who clearly seems to be a former boyfriend.]

Patrick Sullivan: Anyway, I thought we might have a little dinner at my hotel.

Clark Kent: At you hotel?

Lois Lane: [to Clark] Excuse me.

[Lois Lane's meaning here is for Clark to butt out of her conversation with Patrick. When Clark's face looks sufficiently chastised by Lois Lane's disapproving look, Lois turns back to Patrick.]

Lois Lane: [to Patrick] Your hotel sounds great.

[End of scene.]

[In the next scene, we see Patrick Sullivan handling a priceless crown that his henchmen stole from a museum the night before. The same ominous music can be heard that was heard during the human sacrifice at the beginning of the episode. Clearly Pack Sullivan is the man behind both the robberies and the ritualistic murders.]

BELOW: The Crown of Claudius: stolen by Patrick Sullivan for its mystic emerald:

The Crown of Claudius: stolen by Patrick Sullivan for its mystic emerald

Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 3, Episode 4 (15 Oct. 1995). Written by Grant Rosenberg. Directed by Winrich Kolbe.

Timecode: 11 minutes, 55 seconds: Cut to an office/headquarters room inside a ritzy Metropolis hotel owned by Patrick Sullivan. Scene stars with a close-up on a ancient crown that Sullivan's henchman Shamus stole from the museum. A large emerald is embedded in the front of the crown. Shamus (the henchman who stole the crown) speaks with a heavy Irish accent.]

Shamus: I could've taken more. That explosion stopped Superman cold.

[Patrick Sullivan suddenly looks very angry. He puts the crown down and grabs the henchman's face.]

Patrick Sullivan: We're here for a very specific reason. Or have you forgotten?

Shamus: No.

Patrick Sullivan: Good. Now is no time for greed.

[A knock is heard at the entrance to the room. Colleen - Patrick Sullivan's longtime assistant, and once his nanny - is standing there. She can see her boss threatening his other employee (Shamus, the henchman).]

Patrick Sullivan: My guest is here. [To Shamus, the henchman] Make yourself scarce.

[Sullivan's assistant/former nanny opens the door from the hallway to let Lois Lane enter the room. Lois Lane recognizes the considerably older, genteel woman.]

Lois Lane: Colleen! Hi!

[Colleen and Lois Lane warmly embrace. Clearly Lois remembers the woman from the time she spent studying in Ireland, which is when she met Patrick Sullivan.]

Patrick Sullivan: So, you do remember. Colleen raised me from a pup and has been stuck with me ever since.

Colleen: [to Lois] So nice to see you again. Well . . . I'm sure that you two must havve a lot to talk about.

Lois Lane: Oh, Colleen, you don't have to leave.

Patrick Sullivan: [speaking charmingly, but with a hint of menace] Colleen would sooner die than feel in the way. Isn't that right, Colleen?

[Colleen leaves the room, leaving Lois and Patrick alone together. Lois admires the beautiful room in the beautiful building owned by Patrick.]

Lois Lane: You're obviously doing very well, at whatever it is you're doing.

Patrick Sullivan: Oh, I took over Father's business. I always thought he was a junkman, but I've learned that one man's junk is another man's fine antique.

Lois Lane: So you deal in antiques?

[Lois looks down at a table on which rests the two skull-shaped candle holders we saw in the earlier scene. Lois picks one of them up. It seems clear to viewers that it was Patrick who was the menacing hooded figure who performed a human sacrifice ritual in the earlier scene. Of course, Lois has no clue that Patrick is involved in the murders she is investigating.]

Lois Lane: Jeez. These are beautiful.

Patrick Sullivan: [pouring wine] But not for sale. It's been in the family for years. I like to travel with a little piece of home.

[Lois carefully puts the candle holder back down.]

Patrick Sullivan: What about you? My Lois has become a famous reporter.

Lois Lane: Oh, well, I'd hardly say famous.

Patrick Sullivan: You're too modest. I saw your story this morning about the theft. I find it amazing that you already know who the guilty party is.

Lois Lane: Well, maybe I exaggerated a little.

Patrick Sullivan: How little?

Lois Lane: [Smiles, trying to deter this line of questioning.] Let's not talk about work.

Patrick Sullivan: A toast. To us.

Lois Lane: Us?

Patrick Sullivan: I'm sorry. You're probably seeing someone. Clark?

Lois Lane: Um. It's complicated.

Patrick Sullivan: How complicated can it be. You're either seeing him or you're not.

Lois Lane: Well, at the moment . . . not . . . exactly.

Patrick Sullivan: Splendid. [Pause] He seems like a fine man, but he doesn't strike me as the romantic type. Did he sweep you off your feet.

Lois Lane: [chuckles at the unintended double meaning of Patrick's words] A few times. So what about you? Are you seeing somebody?

Patrick Sullivan: No. No. I had the love of my life in my clutches, but I let her get away. If I had to do it over again, I would make sure she never left me.

[Ominous music plays on the underscore.]

Timecode: 14 minutes, 40 seconds: Cut to inside Clark Kent's apartment. Clark is talking to his mother on the phone.

Clark Kent: Mom, people already use her to get to me. Imagine what would happen if people found out that Lois was married to Superman . . . Yeah . . . The trouble is, I just can't stop thinking about her . . . Well, of course I still love her. That's why this hurts so much.

[A knock is heard at the door.]

Clark Kent: Mom, I gotta go . . . Yeah, tell Dad I said hi.

[Clark Kent hangs up the phone and gets the door. Veronica Kipling, a beautiful but ditzy-sounding woman, is at the door. She works at the museum from which Patrick Sullivan stole the crown.]

Veronica Kipling: Mr. Kent? I'm Veronica Kipling from the museum. May I come in? [Walks into his apartment without waiting for an answer] I was on my way home. I live conveniently nearby, and I thought I'd drop off those photos you phoned me about. [Hands Clark an envolope containing the photos.] You're much cuter than your poster...

Clark Kent: So, what can you tell me about this stolen crown?

Veronica Kipling: It was made for Claudius, the ruler of Rome from 45 A.D. until 54 A.D. Think it has anything to do with the stolen scepter?

Clark Kent: Definitely. Now I'm just looking for something to piece the two of them together.

[Clark Kent notices that this rather forward woman has not left yet. He doesn't want to be rude.]

Clark Kent: I'm sorry, can I offer you something--

Veronica Kipling: Got any meat?

[There is a long pause. This is an odd question, with a clear double meaning. Veronica Kipling really is throwing herself at the handsomem Clark Kent, but he is not interested.]

BELOW: Museum worker Veronica Kipling brings Clark Kent photos of recently stolen artifacts: a crown and scepter that had belonged to Roman emperor Claudius:

Museum worker Veronica Kipling brings Clark Kent photos of recently stolen artifacts: a crown and scepter that had belonged to Roman emperor Claudius larger larger larger

Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 3, Episode 4 (15 Oct. 1995). Written by Grant Rosenberg. Directed by Winrich Kolbe.

Clark Kent: Ah. No. [Looks further at the photos] Oh, look, here's something right here. Both the crown and the scepter have large emeralds. In fact, the stones look almost identical.

Veronica Kipling: It's possible they both came from an earlier artifact. It was common practice for the Romans after they finished pillaging, plundering, raping, impaling and whatever, to take precious stones from their spoils of war and turn them into stuff they like better. You're not married, am I right?

[A knock is heard at the door. It is Lois Lane. An awkwrd scene ensues as Lois sees Clark "entertaining" a woman in his room at 10:00 p.m. at night, while Clark explains she is just helping him with his news story.]

Lois Lane: Okay, I admit. I'm high maintenance in the relationship area. I can be demanding and headstrong and occasionally stubborn.

Clark Kent: Lois--

Lois Lane: But it's only because I care. I'm not ready to let you walk away just because you think I-- [Her brain registers what she saw when she entered.] Clark, there's a woman in your apartment.

Clark Kent: I know. This is . . . Ms. Kipling, from the museum. She-- She brought me these photos.

Veronica Kipling: Turns out Clark and I are practically neighbors. Now I know who to call if I blow a fuse.

BELOW: Lois Lane: 'This probably isn't a good time to bare my soul':

Lois Lane: 'This probably isn't a good time to bare my soul'

Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 3, Episode 4 (15 Oct. 1995). Written by Grant Rosenberg. Directed by Winrich Kolbe.

Lois Lane: [coldly] Yes. Well, this probably isn't a good time to bare my soul. I'll be leaving.

[Lois heads toward the door.]

BELOW: Lois Lane, whose chaste romantic relationship with Clark Kent has ostensibly broken up, questions what will happen when one of them has a non-platonic relationship with somebody else:

Lois Lane, whose chaste romantic relationship with Clark Kent has ostensibly broken up, questions what will happen when one of them has a non-platonic relationship with somebody else larger larger larger larger larger larger larger larger

Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 3, Episode 4 (15 Oct. 1995). Written by Grant Rosenberg. Directed by Winrich Kolbe.

Clark Kent: Ah, uh . . . Believe me, Lois, this is not what it looks like.

Lois Lane: It looks like is it's ten o'clock at night and you're entertaining a woman!

Clark Kent: Ah ha! See right there "Entertaining." That's the wrong word. We're investigating. She is helping me investigate.

Lois Lane: I thought I did that. Or did you dump me in that department too?

Clark Kent: [sigh] Would you cut it out, please?

Lois Lane: Okay. Let's say tonight is perfectly platonic. The night will come when it won't be. For one of us. How do you think we should handle that?

Clark Kent: I hadn't actually thought about it.

Lois Lane: Maybe you should. [To Veronica, speaking curtly] Good night, Ms. Kipling.

[Lois turns and leaves the apartment. After she has gone, the largely clueless Veronica speaks.]

Veronica Kipling: Boy, she doesn't take rejection well, does she?

[End of scene.]

Timecode: 17 minutes, 56 seconds: Ominous, evil Irish/Celtic/Druidic music can be heard on the underscore as we cut back to the headquarters office room of Patrick Sullivan. Shamus, his henchman, works on removing the large emerald from the stolen crown. Patrick holds an ornate ancient metal box. The stolen scepter is on the table next to where Shamus is working on the crown.

Patrick Sullivan: Be careful with that.

[Shamus, the henchman, finishes removing the emerald from the crown. He hands it to Sullivan, who puts it in the ornate box next to another emerald, one he removed from the stolen scepter. As Sullivan holds the two identical emeralds next to each other the glow brightly with a magical incandescence. Magical fingers of electricity spark between the two gleaming stones. Truly, these are objects of great mystical power and great religious significance for Sullivan and his family. Together, the oblong emeralds do indeed look like a pair of green eyes.]

BELOW: Patrick Sullivan has stolen mystic emeralds - the Eyes of Ireland - through which he feels the the power of the ancient Druids:

Patrick Sullivan has stolen mystic emeralds - the Eyes of Ireland - through which he feels the the power of the ancient Druids larger larger larger larger larger

Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 3, Episode 4 (15 Oct. 1995). Written by Grant Rosenberg. Directed by Winrich Kolbe.

Patrick Sullivan: The eyes of Ireland. I can feel the power of the ancient Druids flowin' through them. [Puts the emeralds into the ornate metal box, which he then picks up to put in the cabinet.] The power flows down through the centuries . . . undimmed by time . . . and into my hands.

BELOW: Ancient Druidic power flows to Patrick Sullivan:

Ancient Druidic power flows to Patrick Sullivan larger larger larger

Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 3, Episode 4 (15 Oct. 1995). Written by Grant Rosenberg. Directed by Winrich Kolbe.

[Patrick Sullivan smiles. He is very pleased that he has been able to obtain these emeralds, the reason for his quest and elaborate mechanations here in Metropolis. The henchman smiles as well. End of scene.]

Timecode: 19 minutes, 28 seconds: Patrick Sullivan's assistant Colleen enters his office, bringing a bowl of fruit. She puts it down and notices what seems to be a glow, seen through the slight gap in the closed doors of the cabinet. Colleen goes to the cabinet and opens it. She is shocked by what she sees inside Patrick Sullivan's cabinet. There is an array of Druidic/Celtic religious paraphernalia, as well as numerous newspaper clippings about Lois Lane. Colleen feels that this definitely seems like it belongs to a person harboring dark secrets and fanatical beliefs which diverge from establishes, majority religious denominations. Colleen also sees a silver dagger - probably the one Sullivan used in the earlier scene to murder someone as part of his dark ritual. Thre is also a polshed white skull with a metal spike stuck through it. Colleen gasps in fear and closes the cabinet door.

BELOW: Patrick Sullivan's assistant (and former nanny) Colleen Foley sees her boss's Druid shrine:

Patrick Sullivan's assistant (and former nanny) Colleen Foley sees her boss's Druid shrine larger larger larger

Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 3, Episode 4 (15 Oct. 1995). Written by Grant Rosenberg. Directed by Winrich Kolbe.

BELOW: Colleen sees Patrick Sullivan's Druid shrine along with photos of Lois Lane:

Colleen sees Patrick Sullivan's Druid shrine along with photos of Lois Lane larger larger larger larger larger larger larger

Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 3, Episode 4 (15 Oct. 1995). Written by Grant Rosenberg. Directed by Winrich Kolbe.

[End of scene.]

Timecode: 20 minutes, 17 seconds: Cut to a park in front of the Daily Planet building. Lois Lane and Patrick Sullivan are having a picnic lunch together.

Lois Lane: This is a lovely idea. I hope you won't mind if I pick your brain for a few minutes.

Patrick Sullivan: You can pick any part of me you'd like. But I'll bet you'd like to know about the emeralds in Clark's article.

Lois Lane: Do you think his theory make sense?

Patrick Sullivan: I haven't seen the stones myself, but if they're close in size and cut, they may be from the same source.

Lois Lane: So somebody could've stolen the scepter and the crown just to recover the emeralds?

Patrick Sullivan: It's possible. I'll ask around if you want.

Lois Lane: If I could determine where the stones originally came from, I might be able to figure out who took them.

Patrick Sullivan: [chuckling] You always were the most tenacious girl I've ever met.

Lois Lane: [chuckles] I've gotten worse with age.

Patrick Sullivan: But I think you've gotten better.

[Lois Lane clearly thinks this handsome Irish man from her past is very charming.]

Timecode: 20 minutes, 56 seconds: Cut to nearby on the city street. Clark Kent is walking. Colleen was waiting for him to come out of the Daily Planet building. She gets his attention, while being careful not to let her boss Patrick Sullivan see her approaching and talking to Clark.

Colleen: Clark Kent? Of Lane and Kent?

Clark Kent: Yes?

Colleen: I'm Colleen Foley. I was his nurse, you see. Oh, I don't want him to see me.

[Colleen nervously pulls Clark away from the street into an alley.]

Clark Kent: Him?

BELOW: Colleen Foley (who talks to an invisible leprechaun) warns Clark Kent about a curse on Patrick Sullivan and his use of sacred emeralds:

Colleen Foley (who talks to an invisible leprechaun) warns Clark Kent about a curse on Patrick Sullivan and his use of sacred emeralds larger larger larger larger larger larger larger

Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 3, Episode 4 (15 Oct. 1995). Written by Grant Rosenberg. Directed by Winrich Kolbe.

Colleen: He just can't free himself from the curse!

Clark Kent: Who can't free himself from what curse?

Colleen: I can say no more.

Clark Kent: But, you haven't said anything.

Colleen: I didn't mention that you must keep Lois Lane away from my Patrick?

Clark Kent: No, but believe me there's nothing I would like better. If Lois is in danger--

Colleen: Oh, excuse me. [turns her head and looks at her shoulder] What? . . . What! . . . Oh, very well. Erin says to tell you . . .

Clark Kent: Who's Erin?

Colleen: The wee leprechaun who sits on my shoulder.

Clark Kent: You have a leprechaun that sits on your shoulder?

Colleen: My Patrick has changed in the past few days. Since he got hold of the sacred emeralds.

Clark Kent: Sacred emeralds??

[Clark realizes that she is talking about the same sacred emeralds that were stolen - the crime he is currently investigating.]

Clark Kent: Big, identical emeralds?

Colleen: Why, yes.

Clark Kent: Okay. Now, how's Patrick changed?

BELOW: Patrick Sullivan's father believes he is a Druid priest:

Patrick Sullivan's father believes he is a Druid priest larger larger larger larger larger

Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 3, Episode 4 (15 Oct. 1995). Written by Grant Rosenberg. Directed by Winrich Kolbe.

Colleen: Patrick's father was a wonderful man. All the Sullivan men are wonderful men . . . until the day the darkness passes over their minds, and they go mad.

Clark Kent: Patrick's father is in a hospital.

Colleen: For the criminally insane. He believes he's a Druid priest. Can you imagine anything so silly? Hah! [Turns her head and talks to the invisible leprechaun on he shoulder.] Quiet! I'm getting to that. [To Clark] One night, he conducted a holy Druis ritual in the woods, and sacrificed Patrick's mother to his gods!

BELOW: Patrick Sullivan's Druid father killed his own wife in a Celtic act of human sacrifice:

Patrick Sullivan's Druid father killed his own wife in a Celtic act of human sacrifice larger larger larger larger larger

Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 3, Episode 4 (15 Oct. 1995). Written by Grant Rosenberg. Directed by Winrich Kolbe.

Clark Kent: What?!

Colleen: A horrible ritual, with a knife.

Clark Kent: [a realization dawns on him.] Just like the women who are dying in Metropolis.

[Colleen recalls seeing the numerous newspaper clippings about Lois arrayed as if in a shrine in Patrick's cabinet.]

BELOW: Colleen warns Clark that Patrick will try to sacrifice Lois Lane to obtain Druid power:

Colleen warns Clark that Patrick will try to sacrifice Lois Lane to obtain Druid power larger larger larger

Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 3, Episode 4 (15 Oct. 1995). Written by Grant Rosenberg. Directed by Winrich Kolbe.

Colleen: [gasps] Oh! He loves Lois! Now that he has the emeralds, he believes that he must make a sacrifice of the one he loves most!

Clark Kent: But why?

Colleen: So that all the power of his Druids ancestors might be returned into his hands!

Clark Kent: I'll do what I can, Miss Colleen.

Colleen: Oh, I know you will. I can always spot an Irish lad.

[Colleen smiles and starts to walk away with Colleen. He thinks she is a little crazy, but he knows her information about Lois and Patrick is invaluable. After Clark and Colleen walk away, one of Patrick Sullivan's henchmen emerges from the shadows. He was spying on them. He knows he must get this information to his boss, Patrick Sullivan.]

[End of scene.]

Timecode: 23 minutes, 7 seconds: Inside the Daily Planet offices. Jimmy Olsen picks up the phone, answering Clark's urgent call.

Jimmy Olsen: Jimmy Olsen.

Clark Kent: [calling from a pay phone.] Jimmy, I need you to get the phone numbers for all the psychiatric hospitals in and around Dublin.

Jimmy Olsen: Ireland?

BELOW: Clark Kent asks Jimmy Olsen to get information about Druids:

Clark Kent asks Jimmy Olsen to get information about Druids larger larger

Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 3, Episode 4 (15 Oct. 1995). Written by Grant Rosenberg. Directed by Winrich Kolbe.

Clark Kent: Yeah. And call Veronica Kipling at the museum and see what she knows about Druids.

Jimmy Olsen: Did you say Druids??

Clark Kent: Yes. And you know where Lois is having lunch?

Jimmy Olsen: No, she didn't say, but you could try beepin' her.

Clark Kent: Good idea.

[Clark hangs up the phone and picks it up again to call Lois Lane's pager. Then he turns into Superman and rushes away to try to find Lois, who he believes is in great danger from Patrick Sullivan.]

Timecode: 23 minutes, 40 seconds: Cut to a park in Metropolis. Lois Lane and Patrick Sullivan are still having their picnic lunch on the grass. Using the sound of Lois Lane's beeper, Superman homes in on Lois Lane's location. Once there, he turns back into Clark Kent and interrupts their lunch. Lois say she needs to be getting back to the office anyway. Patrick invites Lois to have dinner with him that night at a local Irish restaurant, and she accepts. Patrick leaves Lois with a charming kiss on her cheek. Clark walks Lois back to the office. Clark tries to tell her that Patrick could be dangerous, but Lois thinks he is simply jealous.

Lois Lane: Okay. Let's hear it. And dont tell me you were out for a walk.

Clark Kent: I think Patrick could be dangerous.

Lois Lane: Oh, right. He was trying to kill me with truffles.

Clark Kent: I'm serious, Lois. Look at all the trouble that's happened since the guy's come into town. I'm telling you, the guy is trouble.

Lois Lane: I don't understand you. First you want me out of your life, then the second anybody else shows interest, you come charging in like some obsessed bodyguard with this crazy accusation.

Clark Kent: It's not a crazy accusation.

Lois Lane: Oh, it's not?

Clark Kent: No!

Lois Lane: Then what is it?

BELOW: Clark warns Lois that Patrick Sullivan plans to sacrifice her to his Celtic gods:

Clark warns Lois that Patrick Sullivan plans to sacrifice her to his Celtic gods larger larger larger

Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 3, Episode 4 (15 Oct. 1995). Written by Grant Rosenberg. Directed by Winrich Kolbe.

Clark Kent: It's quite possible that Patrick stole the emeralds and plans to sacrifice . . . you . . . to the ancient gods.

[Lois Lane stares at Clark for a moment in disbelief.]

Lois Lane: Bye, now.

[Lois walks away from him. Clark grabs her by the arm to stop her.]

Clark Kent: Lois, I got it straight from his old nurse, Colleen.

BELOW: Clark warns Lois about Druids and their human sacrifices:

Clark warns Lois about Druids and their human sacrifices larger larger

Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 3, Episode 4 (15 Oct. 1995). Written by Grant Rosenberg. Directed by Winrich Kolbe.

Lois Lane: Colleen? Clark, she talks to leprechauns.

Clark Kent: Well, I-- I can't argue with you there. Look, Lois, she told me about the Druids and their sacrifices of women--

Lois Lane: She's probably confusing reality with the stories Patrick's father told us.

Clark Kent: Patrick's father is in a hospital because he's criminally insane.

Lois Lane: No, he's in a hospital because he's having a fatty cyst removed. Patrick told me all about it. Look, you can't have it both ways. We're either together or we're not.

[Lois walks away from Clark, entering the Daily Planet building, leaving him on he street. She definitely seems irritated at him. After Lois is gone, Clark thinks, shaking his head.]

Timecode: 26 minutes, 13 seconds: Colleen is walking on a busy Metropolis street. She is hurrying and nervous. She may sense that she is being followed. Suddenly she is startled when Patrick Sullivan places his hand on her shoulder. One of Patrick's henchmen walks up from behind them. Colleen can't possibly run away from them.

Colleen: Patrick! What are you doing?

Patrick Sullivan: After all these years, how could you betray me?

Colleen: Betray you? I would never--

Patrick Sullivan: Don't. Shamus told me about your little meeting with Mr. Kent.

[In the credits we found the name of this henchman spelled "Shamus," but another common spelling of this Irish name is "Shamus."]

Colleen: I'm only trying to help you.

BELOW: Patrick Sullivan captures (and later) Colleen to prevent her from warning Metropolis that the Druids are coming:

Patrick Sullivan captures (and later) Colleen to prevent her from warning Metropolis that the Druids are coming

Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 3, Episode 4 (15 Oct. 1995). Written by Grant Rosenberg. Directed by Winrich Kolbe.

Patrick Sullivan: The mask is all the help I need. Once I possess it, the power of the ancients will be restored, and with it, the honor to my family. But we can't have you running all over this city, saying "The Druids are coming", now can we?

[Patrick takes Colleen down a dark stairway.]

Colleen: No. No!

[End of scene.]

Timecode: 26 minutes, 44 seconds: Clark Kent is at his desk at the Daily Planet, talking on the phone. Jimmy Olsen, who is helping him with his research, sits on his desk.

Clark Kent: So, a Mr. Sullivan is not a patient there. Sorry. My mistake.

Jimmy Olsen: Four down, one to go.

[Veronica Kipling's voice can be heard as she enters the room carrying a carton.]

Veronica Kipling: Oh, Clark! The things I do for you, Mister. It took hours in the museum vault, but I found the stuff you wanted on Druids. God, I inhaled so many dust bunnies you could clog a Hoover. Ha ha!

[Clark smiles, but neither he nor Jimmy say anything. Both of them find Veronica rather annoying.]

Veronica Kipling: The Druids were a powerful order of ancient Celtic priests driven from power by the Romans.

Jimmy Olsen: I know what Druids are.

Veronica Kipling: So few do.

BELOW: Museum worker Veronica Kipling tells Clark Kent and Jimmy Olsen about Druids (ancient Celtic priests):

Museum worker Veronica Kipling tells Clark Kent and Jimmy Olsen about Druids (ancient Celtic priests) larger larger larger larger larger

Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 3, Episode 4 (15 Oct. 1995). Written by Grant Rosenberg. Directed by Winrich Kolbe.

Clark Kent: Veronica, this was really very nice, but you didn't have to bring all this down here yourself.

Veronica Kipling: Oh, that's okay. How do you think I stay in such good shape? Hours in the gym alone can't do it. [touches Clark's shoulder] So . . . how do you stay in shape?

Clark Kent: Uh . . . You know, this-- I-- I really do appreciate this. But . . . I really have to get back to work.

Veronica Kipling: [finally getting the hint that Clark isn't interested in her romantically.] Oh, okay, fine! You don't have to drop a house on me! [starts walking away in a huff] You crawl through a museum basement for somebody and you'd think it'd get you a little appreciation.

[Jimmy Olsen has been trying to keep himself from laughing the whole time Veronica was there. Now that she is gone, he laughs openly about her.]

Clark Kent: Just don't say anything.

[Clark dials the last Dublin area psychiatric hospital on his list.]

Clark Kent: Yes, hello, I'd like to speak to Colin Sullivan, please . . . Yes, but it's very important. It's regarding his son . . . I see . . . Well, thank you. [Hangs up. Speaks to Jimmy.] Bingo! He's there, but he can't come to the phone because he's a criminally restricted patient.

BELOW: Jimmy Olsen: 'Do you think this whole Druid sacrifice thing could be true?':

Jimmy Olsen: 'Do you think this whole Druid sacrifice thing could be true?'

Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 3, Episode 4 (15 Oct. 1995). Written by Grant Rosenberg. Directed by Winrich Kolbe.

Jimmy Olsen: Do you think this whole Druid sacrifice thing could be true?

Clark Kent: I don't know. But I'm not gonna sit around and find out. Lois is having dinner with that guy tonight.

Jimmy Olsen: And, uh, you're gonna what? Go there all by yourself and stare at them?

[Clark Kent gets an idea. He rushes to where Veronica is waiting for the elevator.]

Clark Kent: Veronica! Veronica! Ah, so you like . . . Irish food?

[Veronica smiles broadly, thrilled that Clark is asking her out.]

Timecode: 28 minutes, 41 seconds: Cut to inside the Irish pub/restaurant, where Patrick Sullivan has brought Lois Lane for their dinner date. Patrick is competing in a game of darts, and he never loses. Clark Kent shows up at the same restaurant with his date, Veronica Kipling. Lois is very annoyed that Clark followed her. Of course, Patrick is also annoyed that everwhere he turns, Clark seems to be there. Clark Kent and Patrick Sullivan compete in a game of darts, which Clark ends when he hears cries for help and/or a bank alarm. He tries to rush off, but Lois has questions for him and refuses to let him leave once again without finishing a conversation. So Clark, as Superman, takes Lois with him as he heads to the source of the cry for help.

Timecode: 32 minutes, 20 seconds:

BELOW: Lois Lane doesn't believe that Patrick Sullivan or his father are Druids:

Lois Lane doesn't believe that Patrick Sullivan or his father are Druids larger larger larger larger larger

Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 3, Episode 4 (15 Oct. 1995). Written by Grant Rosenberg. Directed by Winrich Kolbe.

Lois Lane: [making fun of the way Veronica Kipling spoke] "Clarky." I mean, I can live with being replaced, but really.

Superman: At least she's never sacrificed anyone. That I know of.

Lois Lane: Just because his father's in an institution does not mean he thinks he's a Druid.

Superman: But it could.

Lois Lane: I think you want Patrick to be guilty. If I were seeing Gandhi, you'd accuse him of being a car thief or something.

Superman: Jealousy? Is that what you think this is about?

Lois Lane: Yes. Apparently the green-eyed monster is more powerful than you are. And by the way, I wouldn't be seeing Patrick or Gandhi if you hadn't started this whole thing in the first place.

[Superman sees the bank he heard the trouble at. He drops Lois Lane off at the corner so she'll be safe, but she sneaks in and investigates on her own. What was stolen from the bank was a mask from a safety deposit box. It was Patrick Sullivan's people who stole the mask. Unfortunately, the time Superman took to talk to Lois Lane made him arrive on the scene too slowly to prevent the thieves from getting away.]

Timecode: 33 minutes, 56 seconds: In his hotel office headquarters, Patrick Sullivan holds up the ancient mask his henchmen stole from the bank.

BELOW: Patrick Sullivan assembles the Mask of the Ancient Ones so he can restore the power of his Druid ancestors:

Patrick Sullivan assembles the Mask of the Ancient Ones so he can restore the power of his Druid ancestors larger larger larger larger larger larger larger larger

Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 3, Episode 4 (15 Oct. 1995). Written by Grant Rosenberg. Directed by Winrich Kolbe.

Patrick Sullivan: It's beautiful. The Mask of the Ancient Ones will finally be restored, and it's mystical powers will be mine.

[Patrick Sullivan carefully puts the mask down on a table. Shamus, his henchman, brings over the ornate metal box. Patrick picks up a glowing green emerald from the metal box.]

Patrick Sullivan: For centuries the Druid priests of my clan have been forced into hiding - scorned and ridiculed.

[Patrick Sullivan places the emerald in his hand onto the left eye socket of the mask. It is a perfect fit. The emerald shimmers with mystic energies as it sets into place. Patrick picks up the second emerald from the metal box.]

Patrick Sullivan: That's all going to change.

[Patrick sets the second emerald into place in the mask's right eye socket. Instantly the marks starts to transform from mystic power. It turns from being blackened and ancient to looking like newly made polished metal. Patrick grasps the transformed mask with both hands. He holds the mask in front of him.]

BELOW: With the Mask of the Ancient Ones, Patrick Sullivan prepares to make his final Druidic human sacrifice - Lois Lane:

With the Mask of the Ancient Ones, Patrick Sullivan prepares to make his final Druidic human sacrifice - Lois Lane larger larger larger larger

Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 3, Episode 4 (15 Oct. 1995). Written by Grant Rosenberg. Directed by Winrich Kolbe.

Patrick Sullivan: You can feel the magic. It's time we made our final offering to the Ancient Ones.

[Patrick Sullivan walks toward the cabinet, where he has a Druidic religious shrine set up. Patrick sets the mask down in the shrine, right in front of an ancient metal Druidic/Celtic cross. Patrick touches his finger to his lips, and then touches a photograph of Lois Lane, a framed photo which he has incorporated into the religious shrine. He intends to kill Lois in a human sacrifice ritual.]

[Fade to black. End of scene.]

Timecode: 35 minutes, 20 seconds: Lois Lane is working at he desk in the Daily Planet office. Lois Lane's neighbor Star walks in. As introduced in the previous episode, Star is a New Age psychic counsellor.

BELOW: Lois Lane's New Age psychic neighbor Star picked up a psychic message from her:

Lois Lane's New Age psychic neighbor Star picked up a psychic message from her larger larger

Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 3, Episode 4 (15 Oct. 1995). Written by Grant Rosenberg. Directed by Winrich Kolbe.

Star: Hi, neighbor. Got your message.

Lois Lane: What message? I didn't leave you any message.

Star: Sure, you did. Your mind reached out and said to drop off some egg rolls if I was in the vicinity.

Lois Lane: It didn't. I swear. It's nine a.m.

Star: Good, 'cause all I could find was bagels.

[Star shows Lois a bag of bagels. Lois says nothing. Star apparently reads Lois Lane's mind.

Star: You're right. I couldn't agree more.

Lois Lane: Excuse me?

Star: I was responding to your thoughts. Small weddings are much more romantic.

Lois Lane: Star, I wasn't thinking about my wedding. What would be the point? I dont think I'm gonna have one.

Star: Well, not if you keep seeing other men!

Lois Lane: Lucky guess, right?

Star: Lois, your brain's like a cheap TV full of static. But one thing's coming through loud and clear: You love Clark.

Lois Lane: Yes! I love Clark. I love him so much, and he is so dumb!

Star: [closing her eyes momentarily to concentrate on psychic vibes] So what is this . . . confusion I'm getting?

Lois Lane: Patrick? Well, it's hard not to feel flattered by someone when I'm feeling so rejected.

Star: But Patrick, he's not like the--

Lois Lane: The real thing? No . . . I gotta run. [Stands up to leave.]

Star: [receiving more psychic forewarnings] Oh! Oh! Oh! Stop! [stands in front of Lois] Don't open the cabinet.

Lois Lane: What cabinet?

Star: You were thinking about this . . . This cabinet. With glowing rocks.

Lois Lane: No. I wasn't. I was thinking about Patrick.

Star: Oh.

[Star knocks on her head with her knuckles, surprised that her psychic impressions were incorrect.]

Star: I gotta get this thing fixed.

[Actually, Star's psychic intuition was correct. She had a premonition that allowed her to give Lois Lane a warning. The cabinet was in Lois Lane's near future, not her thoughts.]

Timecode: 36 minutes, 50 seconds: Lois Lane visits Patrick Sullivan at his well-appointed office.

Timecode: 37 minutes, 29 seconds: Daily Planet office.

BELOW: Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Druid But Were Afraid to Ask:

Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Druid But Were Afraid to Ask

Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 3, Episode 4 (15 Oct. 1995). Written by Grant Rosenberg. Directed by Winrich Kolbe.

Jimmy Olsen: [to Clark Kent] Well, I finally finished "Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Druid But Were Afraid to Ask."

[Clark Kent is on the phone. He motions to Jimmy to wait while he finishes his conversation.]

Clark Kent: [To Jimmy] Hang on. [To person on phone] Hello. Mr. O'Neil? This is Glen Whitemore from the FDIC. Yeah, we'd like to process your loss as soon as possible, but first we need a description of the items that were stolen from your safety deposit box. [Writing down what Mr. O'Neil is telling him.] Hm hmm . . . Okay . . . All right, well, we'll get back to you as sono as we can. Have a nice day . . . Thank you. [Hangs up.]

Jimmy Olsen: Let me guess. Something else from the Claudius collection.

Clark Kent: Not this time. It's an Irish artifact called the "Mask of Ancient Ones."

Jimmy Olsen: That sounds familiar. [Goes to to his desk to look for something.]

Timecode: 37 minutes, 58 seconds: Lois Lane is alone in Patrick Sullivan's hotel office. She is snooping through Patrick's desk, looking for something that might confirm Clark Kent's suspicions that Patrick is involved with the recent crimes she and Clark are investigating. She doesn't want to believe these accusations about her charming old friend.

Lois Lane: [speaking to herself] Why do I let Clark do this to me? I'm not gonna find anything. It's ridiculous to think Patrick has anything to do with--

[Lois Lane stops speaking in mid-sentence when she sees Patrick's closed cabinet across the room, and she notices a green glow coming from the crack between the doors.]

Lois Lane: The cabinet. And a green glow.

[Lois Lane recalls Star's earlier words about a cabinet. She is curious. What is in the cabinet? She walks over to it and opens it. Inside the cabinet she sees a framed photograph of herself, an ancient silver dagger, and a miniature human skull. She sees other Druidic religious items. Lois also sees the recently stolen mask with two emeralds in its eye sockest. Lois realizes that Patrick is being the thefts and murders. Lois picks up the mask and stares at it. The emeralds in the mask's eye sockets glow ominously.]

BELOW: Lois Lane sees the Druid shrine and mask of her friend Patrick Sullivan, who intends to sacrifice her:

Lois Lane sees the Druid shrine and mask of her friend Patrick Sullivan, who intends to sacrifice her larger larger larger larger larger larger

Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 3, Episode 4 (15 Oct. 1995). Written by Grant Rosenberg. Directed by Winrich Kolbe.

Lois Lane: I don't believe it.

[Patrick Sullivan and his henchman enter the room, startling Lois.]

Patrick Sullivan: But I'm afraid it's true.

Lois Lane: Patrick, is this the mask that was stolen last night?

[Patrick takes the mask from Lois Lane's hands.]

Patrick Sullivan: The Mask of the Ancient Ones.

Lois Lane: What's going on?

Patrick Sullivan: It's quite simple. The power of my people is about to be returned. Now that you're here, the ceremony can begin.

[Lois Lane suddenly starts to run for the door, but Patrick's henchman grabs her and holds here there. Patrick Sullivan looks at Lois Lane with evil eyes. Ominous music plays on the underscore. End of scene.]

Timecode: 38 minutes, 56 seconds: At the Daily Planet offices, Clark Kent looks at a photo of the Mask of the Ancient Ones.

BELOW: Clark Kent and Jimmy Olsen discuss Druids and the Mask of the Ancient Ones:

Clark Kent and Jimmy Olsen discuss Druids and the Mask of the Ancient Ones larger larger larger larger larger larger

Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 3, Episode 4 (15 Oct. 1995). Written by Grant Rosenberg. Directed by Winrich Kolbe.

Clark Kent: The mask was made by a Druid sorcerer. Anyone who wears it is supposed to take on his powers.

[Jimmy Olsen turns the photo over, showing typed text.]

Jimmy Olsen: It says on the back that the mask originally had matching emeralds.

Clark Kent: Of course. The Druids were overthrown by the Romans during the reign of Claudius.

Jimmy Olsen: Who pulled the emeralds out of the mask and put him in his scepter and crown.

Clark Kent: So Sullivan's trying to repair the mask, hoping its powers will be restored.

[Perry White pokes through a door and grabs their attention.]

Perry White: I just got off the phone with the police. They fished another body out of the lake. They ID'd it as Colleen Foley.

[Clark Kent stands up, preparing to leave and go into action.]

Clark Kent: Jimmy, get ahold of Lois and tell her to stay away from Patrick Sullivan.

[End of scene.]

Timecode: 39 minutes, 25 seconds: Patrick Sullivan's hotel office. Patrick picks up the silver dagger. He approaches a table on which Lois Lane has been tied down. Patrick's henchman Shamus wears a dark hooded robe and stands next to the captive Lois Lane. Patrick approaches the table, dagger in hand. Patrick is also wearing a dark hooded robe.]

Lois Lane: Patrick, please don't do this.

Patrick Sullivan: Hm. Hush, my sweet.

[Patrick uses the dagger to slice through the buttons on Lois Lane's jacket. Patrick hands the dagger to Shamus. The henchman takes the hilt in a ceremonial grip and instantly lifts it and starts to thrust it into Lois Lane's body. But before he can do so, Superman bursts through the ceiling.]

Superman: It's over.

Patrick Sullivan: Not yet. [Nods to Shamus to tell him to continue.] Shamus!

[Shamus, the henchman, lifts the dagger to prepare once again for a killing stroke. But Superman uses his heat vision on the blade of the dagger, forcing the weapon to become so hot that Shamus drops it. Superman then uses his super breath to knock Shamus to the floor, unconscious.]

BELOW: Superman prevents Druid henchman Shamus from sacrificing Lois Lane:

Superman prevents Druid henchman Shamus from sacrificing Lois Lane larger larger larger larger

Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 3, Episode 4 (15 Oct. 1995). Written by Grant Rosenberg. Directed by Winrich Kolbe.

[Patrick Sullivan grabs the Mask of the Ancient Ones from a nearby table and puts it over his face. As soon as he does so, the green glow of a powerful Druid spirit can be seen entering the room. It hovers next to Patrick momentarily and then enters Patrick's body, infusing the man with its power.]

BELOW: With Celtic power from the Mask of the Ancient Ones, Druid Patrick Sullivan battles Superman:

With Celtic power from the Mask of the Ancient Ones, Druid Patrick Sullivan battles Superman larger larger larger larger larger larger larger larger larger larger

Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 3, Episode 4 (15 Oct. 1995). Written by Grant Rosenberg. Directed by Winrich Kolbe.

Superman: Your turn.

[Patrick now speaks, except it is NOT with his regular voice. It is the voice of a powerful Druid sorcerer from centuries ago.]

Patrick Sullivan: [evil voice] I am ready.

[Patrick Sullivan, with the mask on, shoots powerful mystic energy beams at Supeman, forcing the hero to fall to the floor. Superman is shocked by this.]

Patrick Sullivan: [evil voice] Your power does not compare to mine.

Superman: We'll see about that.

[Superman aims his heat vision at Patrick Sullivan at the same time that Patrick fires his eye beams at Superman. The beams meet midway between the two of them. Superman turns his head, deflecting the joint beam to the rope that ties Lois Lane's feet to a table. The robe is severed.]

Patrick Sullivan: [evil voice] And now prepare for your death.

[Patrick Sullivan starts to fire his eye beams again, but Lois Lane kicks him to the floor with her now freed feet. Superman fires his heat vision at the mask. Patrick Sullivan's entire body contorts and becomes distorted and then is enveloped in an unearthly green glow. Patrick groans in agony. The glow disipates and Patrick Sullivan is nowhere to be seen. Superman looks around. There is no trace of Patrick Sullivan. He rushes to Lois Lane and breaks the ropes that bind her hands. Superman helps Lois to her feet.]

Superman: I guess the green-eyed monster wasn't so powerful after all.

Lois Lane: Oh. Boy, I have some batting average, huh? Two men in my life. One dumps me. The other tries to kill me.

Superman: Lois . . .

Lois Lane: You're not gonna lecture me again, are you?

Superman: No. No more lectures.

[Superman lifts Lois in his arms. They fly away. End of scene.]

Timecode: 41 minutes, 35 seconds: Lois Lane's apartment. A knock is heard at the door. Lois peers through the peep hole to see who it is. She opens the door. Clark Kent is standing there.

Lois Lane: Hi.

Clark Kent: Hi . . . Can I come in?

Lois Lane: Come on in.

[Clark enters.]

Lois Lane: So . . . No hot date tonight with Veronica?

Clark Kent: There was nothing between us, Lois. You know that.

Lois Lane: [sighs] I guess so.

Clark Kent: Look . . .

Clark Kent and Lois Lane: [simultaneously] We should talk . . . You first.

[Lois waits for Clark to speak first.]

Clark Kent: Okay. You know how . . . because I'm . . . Superman . . . I've never had a cold? Or the flu. So I don't know how that feels? Well, all that has changed since I fell in love with you.

Lois Lane: You saying loving me is like being sick?

Clark Kent: No. Kind of. It's like I had a fever, and I got a little delerious. So I did and I said some crazy things. But I'm better now. Cured.

Lois Lane: So, you're not in love with me any more?

Clark Kent: Lois, I am completely in love with you. And I realize that turning my back on that love is way more dangerous than any hypothetical criminal could ever be. Oh, Lois, I miss you.

Lois Lane: Me too.

[Clark cradle's Lois Lane's head in his hand. Tears fall from Lois Lane's eyes.]

Clark Kent: I've been wrong about some things. But not this.

[Clark kisses Lois on the lips. Lois kisses him back for a moment, but then stops.]

Lois Lane: No.

Clark Kent: No?

[Lois steps away from Clark and turns her back to him.]

Lois Lane: Clark . . . You saved my life today. For the millionth time. You were there for me.

Clark Kent: I will always be there for you.

Lois Lane: Until the next time you decide to break my heart for my own good. [Sighs] I survived it this time. I don't think I would again. You know, you saving my life does not give you the right to live my life. Nobody has that right but me. Not you. And not Superman.

Clark Kent: Lois, if you want me to leave, I will. But please, don't shut me out of my life.

Lois Lane: Well, there's tomorrow. The Planet.

Clark Kent: Lane and Kent. The hottest team in town.

Lois Lane: News team. [Opens the door.] Good night.

Clark Kent: Good night.

[Clark Kent leaves. Lois shuts the door. Lois Lane looks miserable. Clark Kent looks like his heart is broken. End of scene. End of episode.]