Leading Comics #3
Title: “The Tyrants of Time!”
Feature: Seven Soldiers of Victory
Medium: comic
Cover date: Summer 1942
19 characters in this story:
This story is divided into the following chapters:
1. The Tyrants of Time: introduction featuring the entire Seven Soldiers of Victory team. Art by Mort Meskin.
2. Defeat Before Waterloo: featuring The Star-Spangled Kid and Stripesy versus Napoleon. Art by Hal Sherman.
3. The Radium Robots: featuring Green Arrow and Speedy versus Alexander the Great. Art by George Papp.
4. The Man Who Told a Fish Story: featuring the Shining Knight versus Genghis Khan. Art by Creig Flessel.
5. The Spirit of Wild Bill Dickson: featuring Vigilante versus Attila the Hun. Art by Mort Meskin and Cliff Young.
6. Fiddler's Farewell: featuring Crimson Avenger and Wing versus Nero. Art by Jack Lehti.
7. The Tyrants of Time conclusion: Seven Soldiers of Victory versus Ulysses. Art by Mort Meskin.