Deadpool (vol. 3) #900
Title: “Pinky Swear”
Medium: comic
Cover date: Dec. 2009
17 characters in this story:
Character (Click links for info about character and his/her religious practice, affiliation, etc.) |
Religious Affiliation |
Team(s) [Notes] |
Pub. | # app. |
Code Red; Heroes for Hire... | 1,256 | |||||||
indeterminate | H.A.M.M.E.R. [beautiful blonde scientist rescued by Deadpool] |
1 | |||||||
[tried to capture scientist who Deadpool rescued] | 1 | |||||||
[Deadpool's boyhood friend; they made "pinky swear" as kids] | 1 | |||||||
dog [pet dog belonging to Deadpool's childhood friend] |
1 | |||||||
[played "Princess Gaia" in movies; married Deadpools friend] | 1 | ||||||||
[fictional character played by Deadpool's friend's wife] | 1 | |||||||
[government agency] | 207 | ||||||||
[comedian] | 338 | |||||||
[actress; heiress] | 240 | |||||||
indeterminate | [friend of Deadpool's childhood friend Lloyd Yarmola] | 1 | |||||||
[young pop music band] | 56 | |||||||
[one of Deadpool's childhood teachers; voluptuously pretty] | 1 | |||||||
[in Modernist (Art Nouveau) movement; Catalan] | 6 | |||||||
[fronted by Fab Morvan and Rob Pilatus, who lip-synced] | 12 | ||||||||
[school-age Deadpool claimed she was his girlfriend] | 1 | ||||||||
[middle school] |