
Daredevil (vol. 1) #258 (Sep. 1988):
“I Heard the Jungle Breathe”
by Fabian Nicieza, Ron Lim, James Sanders III

Daredevil (vol. 1) #258

Title: “I Heard the Jungle Breathe”

Medium: comic

Cover date: Sep. 1988

Publisher: Marvel
Written by: Fabian Nicieza
Art by: Ron Lim, James Sanders III

10 characters in this story:

(Click links for info about character
and his/her religious practice, affiliation, etc.)
Pub. #
Daredevil Daredevil (Matt Murdock)
(lead character)
CBR Scale: M Catholic
Marvel Knights; Weapon X (Exiles) Marvel 1,801
Bengal Bengal (Duc No Tranh) villain hero
CBR Scale: S vengeance
Asian; Shadow Initiative...  Marvel 30
Foggy Nelson Foggy Nelson supporting character
CBR Scale: I Episcopalian
[law partner of Matt Murdock (Daredevil)] Marvel 488
Will Talltrees
CBR Scale: M Native American spirituality
Native American; The Rangers Marvel 34
Willie Lincoln Willie Lincoln supporting character
  black; NYPD... 
[blind Vietnam vet; in Troop responsible for Bengal]
Marvel 7
Carl Brasel
supporting character
  U.S. Army Marvel 1
Chin Fong supporting character
  Asian; U.S. Army
[first appears and dies in same issue]
Marvel 1
Joshua Coop
supporting character
  U.S. Army Marvel 1
Samus Birulin supporting character
  U.S. Army
[first appears and dies in same issue]
Marvel 1
Nuke Nuke (Frank Simpson)
(flashback cameo)
CBR Scale: S ultra-nationalist
The Thunderbolts; U.S. Army...  Marvel 15