
Thunderbolts (vol. 1) #113 (June 2007):
“Faith in Monsters: Part 4”
by Warren Ellis, Mike Deodato Jr.

Thunderbolts (vol. 1) #113

Title: “Faith in Monsters: Part 4”

Medium: comic

Cover date: June 2007

Publisher: Marvel
Written by: Warren Ellis
Art by: Mike Deodato Jr.

17 characters in this story:

(Click links for info about character
and his/her religious practice, affiliation, etc.)
Pub. #
Norman Osborn Norman Osborn villain
CBR Scale: U manifestly non-religious
Cabal of Scrier (leader); Dark Avengers (leader)...  Marvel 417
Moonstone Moonstone (Karla Sofen) villain hero
CBR Scale: U Buddhist
Dark Avengers; Femizons...  Marvel 235
The Scorpion Venom (Mac Gargan) villain hero
CBR Scale: U manifestly non-religious
Dark Avengers; Initiative...  Marvel 315
Songbird Songbird (Melissa Joan Gold) villain hero
CBR Scale: S Jewish
Femizons; Grapplers...  Marvel 229
Radioactive Man Radioactive Man (Dr. Chen Lu) villain hero
CBR Scale: U Communist Buddhist
Asian; People's Defense Force...  Marvel 187
Swordsman Swordsman (Andreas von Strucker) villain hero
CBR Scale: S Nazi / white supremacist
Initiative; The Assembly of Evil...  Marvel 128
Speedball Penance (Robbie Baldwin) hero
CBR Scale: I Presbyterian
League of Losers; The New Warriors...  Marvel 359
American Eagle American Eagle (Jason Strongbow) hero
CBR Scale: S Navajo traditional religion
(tribal leader)
Native American Marvel 27
Roxxon Roxxon supporting character villain group
  [company] Marvel 36
Shadowoman Sepulchre (Jillian Woods) hero
  Secret Defenders; Shock Troop Marvel 22
Steel Spider Steel Spider (Ollie Osnick) hero
  Misfits Marvel 18
Andy Bear villain
CBR Scale: S Navajo
[severely beaten by vigilante/hero Steel Spider] Marvel 2
supporting character
 prob. indeterminate  [former girlfriend of Ollie Osnick (Steel Spider)] Marvel 1
Bullseye Bullseye (Benjamin Poindexter)
(only on cover)
CBR Scale: I Catholic (nominal); nihilist
Dark Avengers; The Thunderbolts
[former baseball pitcher]
Marvel 243
Dean Crane
(voice only)
supporting character
 prob. indeterminate  [contacted Oliver Osnick (Steel Spider)] Marvel 1
Dr. Keith Sawney
supporting character
  [psychiatrist] Marvel 1
supporting character
  [1st app: Thunderbolts (vol. 1) #113 (June 2007)] Marvel 1