Blood Syndicate #28
Title: “Good Intentions, Bad Seasons”
Medium: comic
Cover date: July 1995
16 characters in this story:
Text on cover:
"A Milestone in Comic Books
Beginning an exciting new era of Milestone Magic!
When the government evicts the most powerful superteam in the Milestone Universe, even they can't fight City Hall!
32 fully painted pages in our all-new Milestone 100™ format!"
Summary from now-defunct webpage at
Dogg is turned over to a S.Y.S.T.E.M research facility. Wise Son, Flashback and Oro go to find Third Rail. Third Rail and Brickhouse are building a burger place. We see how Paris Island is kicking people out of their homes. We see BoogieMan in Undertown with the rats. The Syndicate fights the city to keep the Factory. Pyre and Bad Betty cut a deal for the Syndicate to keep the Factory, but Pyre wants Flashback in return.