Smallville - Season 2, Episode 7
Title: “Lineage”
Medium: television series episode
Original airdate: 5 Nov. 2002
1 characters in this story:
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Pub. | # app. |
Kryptonians; Super Friends... | 13,409 |
[Timecode: 21 minutes, 48 seconds: Scene: Interior of the Kent home. Martha Kent is explaining making official adoption papers for Clark after he fell from the sky was complicated. We see a flashback from when Clark was a little boy, just hours after Martha and Jonathan Kent found him.]
Martha Kent: We suddenly had this new little person in our home. We didn't know what to do with you. We were completely overwhelmed.
[In-camera pan from contemporary Martha Kent to flashback, in which we see the toddler Clark Kent playing with toys on the floor of the Kent home.]
Martha Kent: Thank goodness your mother was a pack rat. [Referring to the fact that Jonathan's mother saved a box of Jonathan's toys, the toys which toddler Clark is currently playing with.]
Jonathan Kent: Sweetheart, he's not ours to keep.
Martha Kent: I-- I just keep feeling there's a reason he's here. He's exactly what I wished for in the flower shop this morning.
Jonathan Kent: Hey. Since when did Martha Kent believe in magic wands?
Martha Kent: Since the moment I laid eyes on this little boy.
[This episode focuses on a woman named Rachel Dunleavy, who shows up claiming to be the biological mother of Clark Kent. She claims to have had an affair with Lex Luthor's father, Lionel Luthor. In the scene below, Lex Luthor discusses this woman's claims with Clark Kent. Lex makes it clear that he isn't surprised to hear his father had an affair. Lionel Luthor was apparently a serial philanderer. This sexual promiscuity is one way in which Lex Luthor has indeed followed in the footsteps of his father, although like his father, he tends to be discreet rather than boastful about it. Timecode: 24 minutes, 49 seconds.]
Clark Kent: I don't know what happened between her and your father, but she's not my mother.
Lex Luthor: Trust me, I'm as skeptical about her as you are. For all I know, this is an elaborate scheme to win a paternity suit against my father.
Clark Kent: Did you ask him about it?
Lex Luthor: I didn't want to make any accusations until I had more facts. It's not hard to imagine. In the annals of extramarital exploits, my father probably has his own chapter.
Clark Kent: It doesn't bother you? I mean, I know how close you were to your mother.
Lex Luthor: To the extent that it caused my mother pain . . . sure, it bothers me. But unfortunately, not every marriage is quite as Rockwellian as Jonathan and Martha Kent's. Anyway, I told Ms. Dunlevy that in the 21st century, people shouldn't be making claims like hers without the DNA evidence to back them up . . . So what do you think, Clark? No chance we could be brothers.
Clark Kent: As cool as that would be, Lex, we're not.
[End of scene.]