
Parts Unknown: Killing Attractions #1 (May 2000)
by Beau Smith, Brad Gorby

Parts Unknown: Killing Attractions #1

Medium: comic

Cover date: May 2000

Publisher: Image Sacred Studios
Written by: Beau Smith
Art by: Brad Gorby

4 characters in this story:

(Click links for info about character
and his/her religious practice, affiliation, etc.)
Pub. #
Maria Lucci Maria Lucci hero
  Ultra Violent Crime Division Eclipse Afterburn, etc. 15
Pendelton Spurr Pendelton Spurr hero
  The Shark Tank; Ultra Violent Crime Division Eclipse Afterburn, etc. 15
The Scalons The Scalons villain group
CBR Scale: D alien
[reptilian; want to breed w/ Earth women, create hybrid race] Eclipse 15
Miles Lanson villain
  [businessperson; military officer] Eclipse 5

Description from publisher:

This is the ultimate source book for everything Parts Unknown. It's loaded with character bios, special behind the scenes, art and information. Killing Attractions will make you the most informed reader of the most over the top, science fiction invasion series in print.

Parts Unknown Killing Attractions #1 by Beau Smith & Brad Gorby / 32 pages / Color cover B&W Interiors / standard comic size