
The Nativity Story (2006)
by Mike Rich, Catherine Hardwicke

The Nativity Story

Medium: film

Publication date: 1 Dec. 2006

Publisher: New Line Cinema
Written by: Mike Rich
Directed by: Catherine Hardwicke

5 characters in this story:

(Click links for info about character
and his/her religious practice, affiliation, etc.)
Pub. #
Mary Mary real/historical person
CBR Scale: D Jewish; Christian
[mother of Jesus] Procter & Gamble Marvel 155
Joseph of Nazareth Joseph of Nazareth real/historical person
CBR Scale: D Jewish; Christian
[foster father of Jesus] Marvel 79
Jesus Christ Jesus Christ (Jesus of Nazareth) deity real/historical person
CBR Scale: D Christianity
[] DC 565
The Three Wise Men The Three Wise Men (Balthasar, Caspar, Melchior) supporting character group real/historical person
CBR Scale: U cosmic entity and two Zoroastrian magi
[1st app: New Testament (80 A.D.)] Marvel 47
shepherds abiding in the field shepherds abiding in the field supporting character group
CBR Scale: M Jewish; Christian
[worshipped baby Jesus] New Line Cinema 101