
The Greatest American Hero
Season 1, Episode 7 (6 May 1981): “Fire Man”
by Lee Sheldon, Gabrielle Beaumont

The Greatest American Hero - Season 1, Episode 7

Title: “Fire Man”

Medium: television series episode

Original airdate: 6 May 1981

Publisher: ABC
Written by: Lee Sheldon
Directed by: Gabrielle Beaumont

23 characters in this story:

(Click links for info about character
and his/her religious practice, affiliation, etc.)
Pub. #
The Greatest American Hero The Greatest American Hero (Ralph Hinkley)
(lead character)
  [teacher] ABC 48
Bill Maxwell Bill Maxwell supporting character
  FBI ABC 44
Pam Davidson Pam Davidson supporting character
  [attorney] ABC 42
Tony Villicana Tony Villicana supporting character
  Whitney High School
[tough but ultimately good-hearted student]
ABC 17
Rhonda Blake Rhonda Blake supporting character
  Whitney High School ABC 22
Cyler Johnson Cyler Johnson supporting character
  black; Whitney High School ABC 14
Paco Rodriguez Paco Rodriguez supporting character
  Whitney High School ABC 23
Coach Ray Buck supporting character
 prob. indeterminate  [coach] ABC 4
Kevin Hinkley supporting character
  [son of Ralph Hinkley (Greatest American Hero)] ABC 4
Chaffey supporting character
  [] ABC 3
Shaeffer supporting character
 prob. indeterminate  [] ABC 1
Kaufman supporting character
 prob. indeterminate  [] ABC 1
Lane supporting character
 prob. indeterminate  [] ABC 1
Bobby Moody supporting character
 prob. indeterminate  [] ABC 1
Cameron supporting character
 prob. indeterminate  [] ABC 1
Lt. Rafferty supporting character
 prob. indeterminate  [] ABC 1
Thompson supporting character
 prob. indeterminate  [] ABC 1
unnamed vice officer supporting character
 prob. indeterminate  [police] ABC 1
unnamed policeman supporting character
 prob. indeterminate  [police] ABC 1
unnamed fireman supporting character
 prob. indeterminate  [firefighter] ABC 1
unnamed young boy supporting character
 prob. indeterminate  [student] ABC 1
unnamed bag lady supporting character
 prob. indeterminate  [homeless] ABC 1
unnamed woman supporting character
 prob. indeterminate  [] ABC 1