
Marvel Team-Up (vol. 1) #1 (Mar. 1972):
“Have Yourself a Sandman Little Christmas!”
by Roy Thomas, Ross Andru, Mike Esposito

Marvel Team-Up (vol. 1) #1

Title: “Have Yourself a Sandman Little Christmas!”

Feature: Spider-Man and Human Torch

Medium: comic

Cover date: Mar. 1972

Publisher: Marvel
Written by: Roy Thomas
Art by: Ross Andru, Mike Esposito

12 characters in this story:

(Click links for info about character
and his/her religious practice, affiliation, etc.)
Pub. #
Spider-Man Spider-Man (Peter Parker)
(lead character)
hero scientist
CBR Scale: I Protestant
Secret Defenders; Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends...  Marvel 10,664
Human Torch Human Torch (Johnny Storm)
(lead character)
CBR Scale: I Episcopalian
Fantastic Five; Fantastic Force...  Marvel 4,393
Sandman Sandman (Flint Marko)
(lead character)
villain hero
  Intruders (leader); Next Wave...  Marvel 388
The Thing The Thing (Ben Grimm) hero
CBR Scale: S Jewish
Fantastic Five; The Avengers...  Marvel 5,017
Mr. Fantastic Mr. Fantastic (Reed Richards) hero scientist
CBR Scale: SCBR Scale: I humanist; portrayed alternatively as explicitly believing in God and as atheist
Fantastic Five; Illuminati...  Marvel 4,661
Invisible Woman Invisible Girl (Susan Storm Richards) hero
CBR Scale: S Episcopalian
Lady Liberators; The Avengers...  Marvel 4,069
Aunt May Aunt May supporting character
CBR Scale: S Protestant
[raised Peter Parker (Spider-Man)] Marvel 1,368
Misty Knight Misty Knight hero
  black; Heroes for Hire...  Marvel 192
Mrs. Baker supporting character
  [Sandman's ailing mother] Marvel 4
Joe supporting character
  NYPD Marvel 3
Harry supporting character
  NYPD Marvel 3
Polar Bear Clan (Polar Bear Club) supporting character group
  [group that swims in ocean during winter] Marvel 1

Reprints of this comic:
Marvel Treasury Special, Giant Superhero Holiday Grab-Bag (1974): "Have Yourself a Sandman Little Christmas!"