Astonishing X-Men: Ghost Boxes #1
Title: “Being an Journal by Miss Emma Frost of New Portsmouth Bay in the State of New Albion”
Medium: comic
Cover date: Dec. 2008
8 characters in this story:
Character (Click links for info about character and his/her religious practice, affiliation, etc.) |
Religious Affiliation |
Team(s) [Notes] |
Pub. | # app. |
Brotherhood of Mutant Supremacy; Summers Rebellion... | 8,371 | |||||||
Academy of Tomorrow; Brotherhood of Mutants... | 5,233 | |||||||
Alpha Flight; Brotherhood of Mutant Supremacy... | 10,615 | |||||||
Academy of Tomorrow; Dark X-Men... | 3,409 | |||||||
[from alternate reality made uninhabitable by Ghost Boxes] | 4 | ||||||||
["triploid"; X-Men called to investigate his murder] | 2 | ||||||||
[police detective] | 1 | ||||||||
[1st app: The X-Men (vol. 1) #14 (Nov. 1965)] | 245 |