
The Astonishing X-Men (vol. 2) #1 (Sep. 1999):
“Call to Arms!”
by Howard Mackie, Brandon Peterson, Tim Townsend, Dan Panosian

The Astonishing X-Men (vol. 2) #1

Title: “Call to Arms!”

Medium: comic

Cover date: Sep. 1999

Publisher: Marvel
Written by: Howard Mackie
Art by: Brandon Peterson, Tim Townsend, Dan Panosian

17 characters in this story:

(Click links for info about character
and his/her religious practice, affiliation, etc.)
Pub. #
Cyclops Cyclops (Scott Summers) hero
CBR Scale: SCBR Scale: I Protestant; mutant supremacist
Brotherhood of Mutant Supremacy; Summers Rebellion...  Marvel 8,371
Phoenix Jean Grey hero
CBR Scale: I Episcopalian
Metro College; The Twelve...  Marvel 1,905
Angel Archangel (Warren Worthington III) hero
CBR Scale: I Episcopalian
Academy of Tomorrow; Horsemen of Apocalypse...  Marvel 1,741
Wolverine Death (James Howlett / Logan) hero
CBR Scale: S raised Protestant; sometimes atheist; has practiced Buddhism; skeptical seeker
Alpha Flight; Brotherhood of Mutant Supremacy...  Marvel 10,615
Cable Cable (Nathan Christopher Summers) hero clergy/religious leader
CBR Scale: M Askani (leader)
Cable's Underground (leader); Clan Chosen...  Marvel 666
X-Man X-Man (Nate Grey) hero
  Brotherhood of Mutants; X-Men Marvel 155
Bastion Bastion (Sebastion Gilberti) villain
CBR Scale: D anti-mutant A.I.
Friends of Humanity; Humanity's Last Stand... 
[mystical fusion of Master Mold and Nimrod]
Marvel 95
Wolverine (Skrull) Wolverine (Skrull) villain
CBR Scale: R Skrull religion
Skrull; X-Men
[masqueraded as Wolverine]
Marvel 42
M9 M9 (Nina) supporting character
[created, imprisoned by Operation: Zero Tolerance]
Marvel 8
Darco Darco supporting character
  Mannites Marvel 5
Glub Glub supporting character
  Mannites Marvel 5
Grace Grace supporting character
  Mannites Marvel 5
Headcase Headcase supporting character
  Mannites Marvel 5
Totem Totem supporting character
  Mannites Marvel 5
Beautiful Dreamer Beautiful Dreamer supporting character
  Mannites Marvel 5
Mannites Mannites supporting character group
  [young people created by nanotech] Marvel 6
Professor X Professor X (Charles Xavier)
hero scientist
CBR Scale: S religious
Brotherhood of Mutants; Genoshan Excalibur...  Marvel 4,999