
The New Mutants (vol. 1) #18 (Aug. 1984):
by Chris Claremont, Bill Sienkiewicz

The New Mutants (vol. 1) #18

Title: “Death-Hunt”

Medium: comic

Cover date: Aug. 1984

Publisher: Marvel
Written by: Chris Claremont
Art by: Bill Sienkiewicz

2 characters in this story:

(Click links for info about character
and his/her religious practice, affiliation, etc.)
Pub. #
Warlock Warlock hero
CBR Scale: S Technarchy religion (worships The Maker)
Excalibur; Fallen Angels...  Marvel 241
Magus villain
CBR Scale: R Technarchy religion
[Warlock's father]
Marvel 27

Cover of New Mutants #18
Detail from cover of New Mutants #18
Cover Date: August 1984
Publisher: Marvel

Story 1:
Pages: 22

Credits (as printed)
Writer: Chris Claremont
Artist: Bill Sienkiewicz
Colorist: Glynis Wein
Letterer: Tom Orzechowski
Editor: Ann Nocenti
Editor in Chief: Jim Shooter

Presents: Stan Lee

Cover Price: 60¢
Cover Artist(s): Bill Sienkiewicz
Cover Note: painted cover

Cover Blurb(s): Demon Bear!
Featured on Cover: Mirage (Danielle Moonstar), the Demon Bear
Shown in Corner Box: Cannonball, Magma, Wolfsbane, Sunspot, Mirage (Danielle Moonstar)

Letter column: yes
Cover box: New Mutants #18
Cover artist signature, New Mutants #18

Index to New Mutants #18
Cannonball (Sam Guthrie): 6-8, 21-22
Mirage (Danielle Moonstar): C, 1, 6-7 (nar), 8-10, 13-20, 21, 22
Sunspot (Roberto DaCosta): 6, 8, 21-22
Wolfsbane (Rahne Sinclair): 21-22
Magik (Illyana Rasputin): 8-10, 14-15, 21-22
Magma (Amara Juliana Olivians Aquilla): 6-8
bear: 15
Belasco: 9
Cheyenne: 16
Colossus: 10
Danger Room: 3, 14
Demon Bear: C, 1, 9, 13-20
demons: 9
drugs: 4
God/Lord: 21
Hellfire Club: 9
Hellions: 9
Limbo: 9
Lockheed (Kitty's dragon): 8-10
Madonna: 21
Magus: 12-13
Massachusetts: 10
Moonstar, Margaret "Peg" (Danielle's mother): 1, 16, 20
Moonstar, William (Danielle's father): 1, 16, 20
Nightcrawler: 7
Phoenix (Jean Grey): 2
Phoenix (Rachel Summers): 2-3, 10
police: 5
Professor Charles Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters: 2
Pryde, Kitty (Ariel; Shadowcat): 15
robots: 6-8, 14
sorceress/sorcery/witch: 9
U.S. Army: 3-4, 10
Warlock: 11-13
White Queen (Emma Frost): 9
X-Men: 15
Xavier, Professor Charles: 2, 3-5, 8-10